Daily Archives: February 2, 2024


Upon the canvas of the velvet night,
Bright stars adorn the vast expanse with light.

Whispers of love, the night breeze conveys,
In sycamore trees, where melodies play.

Feathered minstrels, in twilight’s embrace,
“say you love me hold me tight and kiss me
Sing songs of affection, weaving grace.

Dream, oh dream, in the quiet moon’s decree,
A little dream of love, sweet reverie.

Bid “Night-ie night,” a tender adieu,
A kiss bestowed, as vows are renewed.

Hold me tight, in the shadows’ decree,
Promise to miss me, in the vast sea.

Alone, I am, in the midnight’s blue hue,
Dreaming of love that is strong and true.
Stars may fade, their brilliance withdrawn,
Yet my heart lingers, until the dawn.

A kiss, a craving, in the night’s reprieve,
Longing to linger, and sweet dreams achieve.
From dusk till dawn, the yearning persists,
A silent declaration, sealed with soft mists.

Sweet dreams, like sunbeams, shall find their way,
Chasing worries, as night turns to day.
In the realm of dreams, where realities flee,
Dream a little dream, my love, of me.

The celestial ballet, a final bow,
As stars bid adieu, fading somehow.

Yet the echo lingers, in the night’s decree,
Dream a little dream, eternally.

:: 02.01.2024 ::


“I think today, in my wandering musings, I stumbled upon a profound revelation – a delicate realization that unfolds like petals in a garden of words.”

With a measured pace and deliberate emphasis on each word:

“In my ignorance, I committed a deed, an inadvertent transgression within the sanctuary of my thoughts. A garden, my refuge, where I, with a hasty spade, unwittingly pierced the soil of language.”

The poet’s voice takes on a tone of reflection:

“Upon a letter, now damp with my unintentional sin, lay the bee! Oh, in my haste, I became the unwitting executioner. A she, a symbol of delicate existence extinguished within the folds of my impulsive act.”

There’s a pause, a moment of silence echoing the weight of the realization:

“And, in the midst of thunderous regret, I uttered, ‘Oh! I cannot, BEE!’ – a lamentation, an acknowledgment of the irreversible harm inflicted upon the fragile essence of communication.”

The poet concludes with a soft sigh, leaving the audience with a lingering sense of contemplation:

“Words, like bees, hold both sweetness and sting. In my unwitting ignorance, I broke a word, and in its fragments, I find a profound awareness.

“I think today, in my wandering musings, I stumbled upon a profound revelation – a delicate realization that unfolds like petals in a garden of words.”

:: 02.01.2024 ::


In this tender moment, as our souls intertwine,
Our hearts dance with a grace so divine.
In a world plagued by strife and fear,
Our love is born, radiant and clear.

Our passion, forbidden yet steadfast and true,
Kindles a flame, igniting something new.
A love that rises above race and creed,
Our hearts beating in unison, a symphony indeed.

Our time together, brief but oh, so sweet,
An enchanting melody, joy and bliss replete.
In each other’s embrace, we find sanctuary,
A haven, shielding us from the world’s harsh emissary.

As the world around us crumbles with a thunderous sound,
We cling to each other, love tightly bound.
Knowing that our love will forever last,
Defying the odds, an enduring contrast.

Though our time together may fade away,
Our love remains, an eternal bouquet.
In hearts and minds, it will forever reign,
A timeless refuge, untouched by any pain.

note: Though their time together may be short and fleet,
Love and hate persist, their dichotomy complete.
In hearts and minds, a complex, intertwined terrain,
A canvas painted with both pleasure and pain.



I am both Creation
  and LOVE

I am both LOVE
  and HATE

I am an impossible
empire of Dirt

  My LIFE is

Unrepairable but precious
and how you smile always

—>   What do we smile at?

 Everything we have forever?

OR how those reading wonder
what we are?  And what we lost!

How I love you — everyone.

History is born within

every decayed moment.

:: 01.03.2024 ::

rev 02.01.2024

raw notes:

“Amours Space” is a poetic exploration that delves into the complexity of human existence, love, and the paradoxes inherent in life. As poet; the verses carry a profound and contemplative tone, inviting readers to reflect on the intricacies of emotion and the impermanence of existence.

Overall, this is a poem of a thought-provoking and eloquent exploration of the human condition, love, and the complexities of existence.


I wish that tear to be
so pure, a true drop-see;
Innocent expression, true,
conjured from the depths of me.

A sad apple’s biting taste,
sparrow hills, burning in haste.
Yet, my dress falls gracefully,
a journey from here to a serene there.

Ageless tears witness desire,
each frame a flash, my soul afire.
I wish for rain to dance with me,
and cloud-thunder only an eye-God sees.

What I am inside always,
just me, under the gaze of endless days.

:rev: 01.01.2024:

[orig: 04.15.2014]


In twilight’s arms, a tale takes flight,
A tapestry spun, secrets alight.
Content whispers, a gentle kiss,
Love’s embrace in the moonlit bliss.

“Content we are,” lovers confide,
Stars twinkle, a celestial guide.
Yet shadows linger, subtle and sly,
A mystery hidden, a watchful eye.

Through sorrow’s orchard, a river cries,
Melancholy notes, where a heart denies.
Tears on love’s petals, a mournful dove,
Dialogue of pain, coos from above.

Joy, a butterfly, dances on air,
Laughter’s echo, beyond compare.
But whispers rustle in the leaves,
Paranoia’s dialogue, a tension that cleaves.

“Joy is a mask, so fragile, so thin,
Beneath it lies a world of sin.
Sense the tremor, the lurking dread,
In elation’s corners, where shadows are fed.”

Horror emerges from the heart of night,
A chilling breeze, fear takes flight.
Moonlight reveals faces unknown,
Dialogue of terror, a shiver-prone.

“Embrace the darkness,” the voice entreats,
In the labyrinth where fear competes.
Juxtapose joy and despair,
Mystery thrives, paranoia’s lair.

So, the tapestry weaves, emotions at play,
Contentment, love, sorrow’s array.
In life’s symphony, shadows have their say,
As night surrenders to the break of day.

:: 02.01.2024 ::