Daily Archives: February 7, 2024


I, the progeny of reticence,
Bearer of a silence deemed base,
I am the heir to naught in particular,
Yet, I am kin to all.

Hush thy lips,
How dare thee claim
My path amiss?
For I am but human,
Yearning for love,
As does every soul.

I, the descendant of bashfulness,
Inheritor of an undefined destiny,
I am the son and heir
To a shy demeanor, deemed criminal.

Silence thy tongue,
How dare thee opine
My ways askew?
For I am human,
In need of affection,
As are all beings.

There exists a gathering,
Would thou care to attend?
Perhaps, there, true love awaits thee.
So thou venture forth alone,
And depart alone,
And return home to weep,
And wish for the end.

When thou declare, “It shall come to pass,”
Pray, when precisely doth thy meaning unfold?
For I have tarried far too long,
And my hope hath waned.

Cease thy words,
How dare thee insist
My approach flawed?
For I am human,
In pursuit of love’s embrace,
Just like all others.

:: 02.07.2024 ::


in the kingdom of sorrow’s realm,
abides my curious tragedy,
a privilege to persist,
beauty pleading, longing sharp.

society’s spectrum, high and low,
knows not, sees not,
the deepness of this hurt,
on the soul of one like me.

behold the beauty,
whose heart untouched by love’s embrace,
except for the false tendrils,
of shadow-lust’s cunning grip.

what price would i pay,
to gain a love sincere and gentle?
a cost beyond counting,
in chase of that elusive jewel.

yet, for me, oh woe,
no such luck befalls,
such love, like distant stars,
taunts with its tempting glow.
