Daily Archives: February 16, 2024


HOW lovely is love
in its purest form
a symphony of souls
weathering life’s storm

Please, give time
a break a wall clock
give me a hand
to make two hands _ love

I love what I have tasted
Is a vibration poisonous
and why do i evaporate
when love decays?

I hate to fight
I hate to eat
I hate being alone

But in my seat
everyone sits
upon my Soul

my tongue Napoleon
loving war and love

How i love chocolate
with popcorn
Waves over me sea
breeze soul formations

yellow carnations

Sip upon my words
drink my escape
rebel hearts purple
dying to live again

i’m running
i’m running
from my life



HOW love is a tapestry,
woven with threads of grace,
each knot a tender embrace,
each strand a whispered vow

Isn’t she lovely?
my cherub, my guiding star,
the one whose laughter
paints rainbows in my sky.

A blossom in the garden of my soul,
petals unfurling,
each one a testament
to the beauty of love’s embrace.

Like a gentle breeze
through the meadow’s sigh,
she whispers secrets of eternity,
her innocence a beacon of light.

In the quiet of the night,
underneath the velvet sky,
I cradle her dreams,
like fragile butterflies.

For in her eyes,
I see the reflection
of all that is pure and true,
a mirror of divine love’s hue.

So let us dance,
beneath the moon’s soft glow,
two souls intertwined,
in love’s eternal flow.

Hand in hand,
heart to heart,
we’ll journey on,
never to depart.

How lovely is love,
in its purest form,
a symphony of souls,
weathering life’s storm.

:: 02.15.2024 ::


How the love never leaves

no wonder how it lives

because of you

How love cannot die! –

many then met their doom

with crystal tears

facing the moon upon their

backs in Spring’s fallen foliage

As seasons, tender–aged but bright

  • so brief.

Love cannot die!

How two hands held by two can become

a bright light ; love is how it survives

the grave:

Only a last sigh before the treasure of


:: 02.15.2024 ::