Daily Archives: February 27, 2024

Great Fantasy

MY eyes saw the falling leaf
twirling upon the air
propelled by love

MY heart fell with leaf
upon tender moist grounds
unrealized beauty

I wept for nature’s beauty
how astounding is she!
weeping along with lonely me

MY mind became separated by love
two pieces:  one for heart |
one for passion_______

So together we ran away into
the forest of greens

There, a great fantasy!

We lived.

:: 02.26.2024 ::

So Sorry I Never Knew Love

In whispers soft as morning dew’s caress,
I plead, my dear, for love’s true tenderness.
When sorrow grips my heart in deep distress,
And dawn reveals a world in bleak duress,

What gentle act, what word, might draw your eye?
What fervent plea could win your sweet reply?
Yet when we part, and sorrow makes us sigh,
‘Tis sorrow’s weight that bids the light goodbye.

It pains me so, this ache within my breast,
As we in sorrow’s shadow find no rest.
With heavy heart, we mourn what love’s confessed,
And words, like dreams, slip through our grasp, unguessed.

It grieves me so, beneath the silent moon,
Why must our wounds persist, our love marooned?
Oh, sorrow’s touch, that dims love’s bright lagoon,
Must we, in darkness, find love’s sweet commune?

What act, what plea, might stir your heart to mine?
How can I bridge this chasm, love, divine?
When tempests rage and stars refuse to shine,
What steps must I take, my love, to enshrine?

What must I do to earn your love’s embrace?
What must I do to see love’s radiant face?
When thunder roars and lightning scars the space,
Guide me, my love, to find our sacred place.

The Trait of Indecisiveness

Silence is not lack of life.
As noise is not lack of calmness.

Life is more than we have experienced
but when we awaken we realize
we are not truly living.

We should embrace choices
and make that one that fits us.

i encourage you to reflect on your life,
your choices, and the importance of
embracing decision-making as a vital
aspect of living authentically.

What are the consequences?

That you are living a true Life.

:: 02.24.2024 ::


If the butterfly alights upon a bloom,
expecting nectar’s sweet perfume,
but finds barren petals, does it sigh?
Yet it flutters on, beneath the azure sky.

And if a wave, born of the sea’s embrace,
swells mighty, yet succumbs to grace,
fading ere it meets the waiting shore,
it whispers secrets, lost forevermore.

But what of humans, seekers of love’s gleam,
who chase elusive dreams in moonlit stream?
For some, it remains a distant star,
for others, fleeting as shadows are.

Unlike the rooted tree, the graceful sprite,
or the surging wave, ephemeral in its might,
the human heart, a mystery, beats strong,
its resilience echoed in life’s song.

I say, it moves by the rhythm of its heart,
a symphony of hope, a work of art,
unfurling petals in the morning dew,
undaunted by what life may construe.

So let us marvel at nature’s grand design,
wherein each creature, be it yours or mine,
finds strength within, to rise and soar,
and dance with joy, forevermore.

:: 02.26.2024 ::

No Title

You are the masterpiece of my life! Within you reside the vibrant hues of love! Next to the shimmering sky, amidst the melodies, In every memory, you are always present. You are the cause of all these seasons, Would I ever forget your name? It’s all the same – intuition will See everything come together in fruition. And I will be the guardian of your emotions, If this life is all we have, If my voice gets lost among many, My love, I’ll find you once more, In the next life, without fail. Love is the sole reason, Love is the driving force, Love is the dance of the stars, And above all, you are the masterpiece Of my life.