Nightmares & Sweet Dreams

In the dead of night, I close my eyes to sleep,
But into darkness, my subconscious starts to creep.
I’m trapped within a nightmare, a twisted scene unfolds,
Where shadows dance with demons, and terror takes its hold.

Oh, in the grip of fear, I cannot scream,
Lost in the maze of a horrific dream.
Monsters lurk in the corners of my mind,
In this surreal world, there’s no solace to find.

I stumble through the darkness, chased by unseen foes,
Their whispers echo hauntingly, chilling to the bone.
Every step I take, I feel the dread draw near,
In this nightmare realm, there’s no escape, no sanctuary here.

Oh, in the grip of fear, I cannot scream,
Lost in the maze of a horrific dream.
Monsters lurk in the corners of my mind,
In this surreal world, there’s no solace to find.

I try to wake myself, to break free from this trance,
But the nightmare tightens its grip, refusing to enhance.
Each moment feels like an eternity, trapped in this twisted scheme,
Oh, how I long for morning light, to shatter this dreadful dream.

Oh, in the grip of fear, I cannot scream,
Lost in the maze of a horrific dream.
Monsters lurk in the corners of my mind,
In this surreal world, there’s no solace to find.

As the first rays of dawn break through the night,
I wake with a gasp, bathed in cold sweat, filled with fright.
Though the nightmare fades, its echoes still remain,
A chilling reminder of the horrors that haunt the domain of my brain.

:: 02.29.2024 ::

About EPRobles

Writer, Artist. I like to paint abstract acrylic images onto canvas. I love to read everything, and I especially enjoy science, philosophy, and the arts. I'm new to the blog experience and I very much enjoy it! I hope to learn as much about all the features that WordPress offers and thank you -- my visitor -- for taking time to read my words. Peace and love... View all posts by EPRobles

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