Daily Archives: March 16, 2024

She Moves On

IS she beautiful…first watching her eyes
Thunderous waves of oceans she destroys
Before a brilliant noise of Life
her lungs eternal enormously flourishing

— not upon Earth or it’s Oceans
but within Space she goes

flourishing within eons of distance
having met Earth and it’s creatures.
She moves on.

Unto the deepest of time and space.

:: 03.16.2024 ::


In the stillness of a single moment,
Eternity suspends its breath,
And amidst the ancient whispers,
The world gently fades into the depths.

Of a new day.

Where does this ethereal melody arise?
From the depths of a beating heart,
Alive with the essence of love’s embrace,
Guiding our souls to dance their part.

Like a new morning.

We sway to the strings of destiny’s puppeteer,
Enchanted by the mystic song of love’s allure,
Shall we take flight tonight upon its wings,
Or chase the setting sun’s golden lure

Maybe for a new world.

In the twilight’s embrace, let us entwine,
As passion paints the skies in hues divine,
With every heartbeat, a symphony of “yes”,
To love’s eternal dance, we confess.

:: 03.15.2024 ::

Unlocked Love

In places I’ve never explored, gladly beyond
any known experience, your eyes speak quietly:
Even in your smallest gestures, there’s something
that envelops me, or eludes my touch because it’s too close.

Your slightest glance effortlessly unlocks me,
Though I’ve closed myself off like a tight fist,
You unfurl me like Spring unfurls
Its first rose, with a touch that’s skilled and mysterious.

And if you wish to close me, then I,
And my life, will shut beautifully, suddenly,
Like when a flower’s heart imagines
The snow falling meticulously, everywhere.

Nothing we perceive in this world compares
to the power of your intense vulnerability: whose texture
compels me with the colors of far-off lands,
bringing death and eternity with every breath.

(I don’t know what it is about you that opens
and closes; only something in me understands
that the voice of your eyes is deeper than any rose)
No one, not even the rain, has hands so small.

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Unlock Love

In places I’ve never explored, gladly beyond
any known experience, your eyes speak quietly:
Even in your smallest gestures, there’s something
that envelops me, or eludes my touch because it’s too close.

Your slightest glance effortlessly unlocks me,
Though I’ve closed myself off like a tight fist,
You unfurl me like Spring unfurls
Its first rose, with a touch that’s skilled and mysterious.

And if you wish to close me, then I,
And my life, will shut beautifully, suddenly,
Like when a flower’s heart imagines
The snow falling meticulously, everywhere.

Nothing we perceive in this world compares
to the power of your intense vulnerability: whose texture
compels me with the colors of far-off lands,
bringing death and eternity with every breath.

(I don’t know what it is about you that opens
and closes; only something in me understands
that the voice of your eyes is deeper than any rose)
No one, not even the rain, has hands so small.

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From the hill’s curve, where sorrow dwells,
A story rises, from a valley’s wells.
My soul feels pulled to hear its tune,
So I sit, ready to listen to its mournful croon.

There stands a girl, fair but pale,
Tearing papers, breaking rings, her voice a wail.
Straw hat upon her head, makeshift shield,
From the sun’s harsh rays, her visage concealed.

She lifts her napkin to her weeping eyes,
Ink-stained with tales of sorrow, where truth lies.
With each reading, her cries echo high and low,
A symphony of pain, in endless flow.

Her hair, neither bound nor free,
A sign of pride, yet marked by misery.
A trove of trinkets, amber, crystal, jet,
Thrown into the river, her heart’s regret.

Folded notes torn, tossed into the stream,
Rings of gold and bone, lost in the dream.
Letters inked in blood, with sorrow fraught,
Bathed in her tears, then kissed, then distraught.

A reverend man, old and wise,
Sits beside her, offering solace for her cries.
He lends his ear, his counsel kind,
To ease her burdened heart and troubled mind.

“Father,” she says, with a heavy sigh,
“Sorrow’s grip on me, I can’t deny.
I could’ve flourished, fresh and fair,
But love’s betrayal left me in despair.”

She tells of a boy, charming and sweet,
Whose words and lies swept her off her feet.
His locks of brown, his lips so fine,
Ensnaring hearts, like hers and mine.

“He played me false, his promises fake,
His charm a mask, his love a mistake.
Now I’m left broken, my heart in pain,
By love’s cruel hand, I’m left to remain.”

The girl’s tears flow, a river’s course,
Her sorrow pouring out with force.
Yet in her words, a strength is found,
Rising above the pain that once bound.

The reverend listens, with care and grace,
To the girl’s tale of love’s disgrace.
And though her heart may be bruised and frayed,
He offers comfort, in the shadows’ shade.

:: 03.15.2024 ::