Monthly Archives: March 2024


When the lights fade to black,
when silence fills the streets,

when plumbing stands still,
who do we become?
Mere shadows.
History’s cycles spinning,
territories lost to time,
buttons of destruction,
children inquire,
adults blaspheme,
faith lies lifeless,
all fades into the abyss.
Governments breed hate,
while people cling to love,
politics devoid of passion,
our unity, our resistance,
against the grip of madness.
Please, sir, lend us aid,
eradicate those who barter our fate,
rekindle the flames of affection,
shield the vulnerable, nurture the young,
let us march forward, never forgetting,
our foundation of equality,
now, more than ever,
let it be our truth.

:: 03.25.2024 ::



City streets, concrete veins,
Pulsing with life’s relentless beat.
Neon lights flicker,
Casting shadows that dance
In the alleys of forgotten dreams.

My love, my lost one whom I love
When I am home I sit and then dream

People move like ghosts,
Lost in the rhythm of the night.
Their faces tell stories,
Each line a chapter
In the book of urban solitude.

Through the door of life I met you
and fell into eternal love

Smoke curls from alleyways,
A silent plea to the indifferent sky.
Voices echo off brick walls,
Carrying secrets too heavy
For hearts burdened by the city’s weight.

But amidst the chaos,
There is beauty,
A flicker of hope
In the eyes of those who dare
To dream in shades of gray.

In the heart of the metropolis,
Where dreams are born
And buried beneath layers of asphalt,
There lies a spark of resilience,
A defiance that refuses to be extinguished.

For in the city’s heartbeat,
There is poetry,
A symphony of life
That echoes through the streets,
A testament to the indomitable spirit
Of those who call it home.

And our Hearts to never say goodbye
when sun meets moon they exchange
true light of their own

And then, as us, we exist no more
but fall into a dream of existence
where love is all things

:: 03.25.2024 ::

ODE TO JOY (modern rendition)

Oh friends, not these tones so drear,
But let us sing of cheer sincere,
With joyful hearts, our voices raise,
In jubilant, melodious praise.

Joy, joy, joy, O radiant spark divine,
Descended from Elysian line,
With fervent flames our souls inspire,
In heaven’s hall, our spirits higher.

Celestial beings, hallowed and true,
Within your haven, we renew,
Your enchantments weave their spell,
Uniting all, where differences fell.

In your gentle wings, we find repose,
Where every heart in kinship glows,
Friend with friend, in bonds secure,
With loyal love, forevermore.

The faithful spouse, in joy’s embrace,
In jubilance, their cheers we trace,
And souls that stir on earthly sod,
Join in chorus, praising God.

Yet those who weep in solitude,
From bonds of joy are not subdued,
All creatures, from nature’s breast,
Partake in joy, divinely blessed.

In life’s embrace, where friendships end,
The worm finds solace, true and friend,
And cherubs, by God’s throne, delight,
In suns that blaze, in endless flight.

Brothers, let us heed the call,
To triumph as heroes, one and all,
In heaven’s grand design, we run,
Our course with joy, till day is done.

Run, brothers, run, with hearts aglow,
Through triumph’s path, we boldly go,
In jubilant stride, our journey take,
Like heroes bold, our joy awake.

Joyful, joyful, like heroes we fly,
O’er stars that light the vast sky,
With boundless love, our spirits rise,
To realms where our dear Father lies.

Millions, be embraced in this kiss divine,
For all the world, this love is thine,
Brothers, beyond the starry dome,
Our Father dwells, in heavenly home.

Millions, do you feel the Creator’s might?
Above the stars, in realms of light,
In infinite grace, He reigns on high,
In joyous praise, let our spirits fly.

:: 03.25.2024 ::

Universal Love

In your eyes, I sense a longing, a soft belief that speaks volumes. It’s a look that bridges what is and what could be, leaving me wondering. And those parted lips, they hold an anticipation, a kiss of expectation that lingers in the air. As my hand moves slowly across your skin, I feel the warmth of your heart, the love you give so freely, despite the shadows that surround us in this world today.

My dear angel, what desires drive you? Why do you focus on me, a mere mortal? I’m just a guy, flawed and imperfect, not deserving of such devotion. I’m like a wanderer in the chaos of life, learned but still lacking, unsure if I can even hold your tender hand.

Yet, your gaze pierces through my doubts, igniting a flicker of hope within me. It’s as though you see something in me that I struggle to grasp myself. And as your hand rests in mine, I feel a mixture of awe and inadequacy, unsure of how to truly honor the depth of your affection.

You, with your boundless love and unwavering faith, challenge my understanding of what it means to be loved. For you, I yearn to rise above my limitations, to become the man worthy of your devotion. But the journey ahead feels daunting, a path strewn with uncertainties and fears.

Nevertheless, I am determined to walk it with you, to learn and grow alongside you. For in your presence, I find a sense of purpose, a reason to strive for greatness. And though I may stumble along the way, I take solace in the knowledge that you will be there, guiding me with your gentle grace.

So let us embark on this journey together, hand in hand, hearts entwined. And as we navigate the twists and turns of life, may our love serve as a beacon of hope, lighting the way through even the darkest of nights.

My dear poet, In your eyes, I see not just a longing, but a shared yearning, a connection that transcends words. It’s as if in your gaze, you hold the key to a future we’ve both dared to dream of. With every touch, every whispered promise, I feel the depth of your love enveloping me, reassuring me that together, we can weather any storm.

You may see yourself as imperfect, but to me, you are everything. Your flaws only serve to make you more real, more human, and it’s in those moments of vulnerability that I find myself falling even more deeply in love with you. For it’s not about being flawless, but about being true, and you, my dear, are the truest soul I’ve ever known.

I understand your doubts, your fears, for I too have felt them. But know this – my love for you knows no bounds. I see the potential within you, the greatness waiting to be unleashed, and I believe in you with every fiber of my being. Together, we can conquer anything, for our love is stronger than any obstacle that may come our way.

So let us cast aside our insecurities, our uncertainties, and embrace the journey ahead with open hearts. For in each other’s arms, we find solace, we find strength, and we find the courage to face whatever the future may hold. I love you now and always, more than words could ever express.

Yours forever,
The Universal Lover


THE RASIING of Lazarus

from Death

— A major issue for Rome.

Their Authority threatened.

The miracle. A trajectory

of death for Jesus.

:: 03.24.2024 ::


IF among the muted universe
that silent sky!
a deepest bluer than all
of your believings
That chasm of Earth’s mouth
opens /as Spring’s flowers
like knowing eyes___

THEN if this is really now
and not a dream dreamed within
lost dreams you are dreaming
lost within the woods of your
youthful forest

a;;ll the green of greenest
may does come.

And the creatures of our world
we fought to depart from
so bigger than birds do sing
a fallen fall leaf is a wing
and the rotten stump a moan
in seasons begotten cold

intellect(by yes as every
new thought no bigger we think)
as a leaf upon a twig knowing
it shall fall in fall.
, wishing , thinking , of

When we shall all grown new

:: 03.21.2024 ::

Another Mother’s Heart Breaking

One Earth one people
One chance Once choice

We are living
We are dying

So many heads
hanging lowly

hearts beating
for families

Guns, bombs,
atoms, dust
fire and death


All the lying
All the fear
All the failure

So mistaken
not ever knowing
we are all family

:: 03.20.2024 ::

Puzzle Pieces In Locked Spaces

i gave you a thought // of how lovely are you

i tell you how much i felt apart:

from secrets of you and my own heart too.

Dawn must always recur
to touch fingers finding meaning
placing puzzle pieces in locked spaces.

i tell you how lovely you are & how much
i placed you inside within my secrets — oh how
i ran in circles to tear me apart.

You tell me secrets and i ask questions oh how
erasing blindness from an eye inflamed by hearts
— who says it easy:

// by ignorant thoughts \

i was just guessing and how equations meet
meaning as love haunts souls there is no
reason within physical science — no one says
they love depserate conclusions of the dark
so we work within circles
so we run within circles
so we part between heart and soul

no one said it’d be this hard.
so life takes us back to the start
to rewind Life.

I placed puzzles and pieces together
and wrote numbers and science to haunt me
and felt how time whispered how it is not easy
so i find myself oh myself finding myself
going back to my heart.

ooh yes. back to the start.

:: 02.01.2021 ::

Musings In Rhythms and Whims

It stings when you press that dreary little thing,
Meant for single use, then dismissal’s ring
But where to dispose? In the bin, my true confidant,
My bashfulness, caress its gentle font.

Only five moons behind, she’s been, you see,
Though in bed we haven’t been for a week, not we.
A meal per day, just one, I say,
And my heart’s made mine in its own way.

Someone afore has whispered Aurora Borealis,
Bound in chains, Sam found her, cold as ice’s chalice.
Merely five weeks delayed, yet no date I’ve met,
Forever, forever, my fate is set.

I yearn for more, more chances to perceive,
To lessen the burden that I must receive.
On my, on my, ah, on my, um, um, head,
Diversity blooms if we had a G-I-T, it’s said.

Geeks in town, oh, Dave, let’s make it right,
(Girls In Trouble) brings a humorous light.
G-I-C, perhaps, with Charvels gleam,
Nay, G-W-C, ah, but it feels like a dream.

Time spent in futility, we waste away,
One more solo, come, let’s sway.
Yes, yes, you’re the one, the sole source,
To cleanse the strip, let the past divorce.

As if alcohol flowed, rubbing and pure,
Ignited the strip, made the hair endure.
Then Perry Ellis swept, with silk so grand,
Erecting a city, as if by magic’s hand.

She’s only five weeks late!
And my sperm lost it’s way.
wish i had another chance
but i just write my poetry.

:: 05.19.2024 ::

The Sick God Child

LOVE me — drain dreams
of kids who lost love___
whip dogs snarling
who you feed with a hand
when your mood changes
whip the woman who loves you
you’re sick and can’t help it
now you walk in society
and people smell your sickness

Hmm. Hmm.
smells like wet leather

God asks, “what are you?”
You say, “a dangerous whore
and where i am walking steps
counting my seconds and laughing
cause the world is sick like me…

We ask for more — not me, not you
but them ; those mourners
who hate life like a service
beating a drum — crushing my skull

ooh, like my mind going numb
and we sing the same song
between the spaces of silence
sound of Heaven as a bell.