In twilight’s tender grasp, where shadows twirl,
A cathedral of dreams, in whispers unfurl.
Its stones sing with silver and gold’s gleam,
A harmony divine, like a poet’s dream.

La Catedral, a symphony in stone,
Where passion’s echoes in soft whispers are sown.
With each note, a solace, a comforting balm,
In its embrace, our hearts find their calm.

Through ancient corridors, love’s tale weaves,
Guitar strings dance, as each heart believes.
Emotions vast, untamed, set free,
In this hallowed place, where souls meet in glee.

La Catedral, a sanctuary of sound,
Where deepest yearnings of the soul are found.
With each chord struck, a closeness we feel,
To its rhythm, where dreams gently steal.

In silence, beneath the starry night’s glow,
We pour our souls in melodies that flow.
Within La Catedral, where dreams alight,
In every refrain, love takes its flight.

A beacon in darkness, guiding our way,
La Catedral, where memories sway.
With each gentle pluck, a story told,
In its halls, where love’s mark takes hold.

So let us linger in this sacred space,
Where time and music tenderly embrace.
In La Catedral, our spirits soar high,
In the symphony of night, forever nigh.

:: 04.02.2024 ::

About EPRobles

Writer, Artist. I like to paint abstract acrylic images onto canvas. I love to read everything, and I especially enjoy science, philosophy, and the arts. I'm new to the blog experience and I very much enjoy it! I hope to learn as much about all the features that WordPress offers and thank you -- my visitor -- for taking time to read my words. Peace and love... View all posts by EPRobles

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