Strange Mistral Wind

It sounds so strange ~~~

.. your heart, bruised like a peach

is ripe as your body for sophisticated love

as a restless sailor waiting

i closed my eyes said the breathing

words of moving seas

she makes my sails fill

And within my Soul it seemed strange

mistral wind

Oh! Of laughter, at what ceases to amuse.

And last, the body and soul begins to
fall asunder.

Watching all you have done, and been…

:: 04.20.2024 ::

About EPRobles

Writer, Artist. I like to paint abstract acrylic images onto canvas. I love to read everything, and I especially enjoy science, philosophy, and the arts. I'm new to the blog experience and I very much enjoy it! I hope to learn as much about all the features that WordPress offers and thank you -- my visitor -- for taking time to read my words. Peace and love... View all posts by EPRobles

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