Monthly Archives: April 2024


SHIVER inside (me) from cold
by truth –> like it is____

EYES rolling over / toe
and thumb touch free these

like democracy see?

We have a spinal tonguer
touching each other __

Political anglo-angry-man
say trust in me : eat these!

Roach crackers
drink your cola yum

We believe in you
We believe in me
We believe in love

comatose to me

Hebetudinous \/

She create | a universe
with a word
vegged out

local anesthetic disease

social pain-killer social
talk text-pert killing me

counting 1 and 2 and 3

We are asking: what
are we?

:: 04.18.2024 ::


THE brain; a sheet of bloodied paper

THE mind; a big scribble

THE heart; the murderer

THE soul; along for the merriest ride

EYES aglow with moonlit wonder

I float on rivers of liquid light

SURRENDERED to universe’s plunder

IN this psychedelic reverie of night

THE boundaries blur, time slips away

AS I merge with the infinite sea,

A transient soul in a cosmic ballet,

God only knows me and sets me free.

:: 08-23-2018 ::

You are Old, Papa

“Dear Papa, the oldest one,” the grand-daughter named Evelyn spoke.

“Your heart leaps as a youngster but your hair is white;

and therein I see something very youthful.

What do other’s my age think or say? Is this correct

or an aberration of adoration and love?”

“When I was younger,” said Papa, “than you I knew the things that could

muddle the mind and confuse the brain to think age has

anything to do with love or magic. To otherwise do,

I feared it would injure my brain.”

Evelyn thought as a young girl might.

“You look old but are not.” said this youth.

“because i shook the shack of a shilling box. I would

sell you some but you are mine heart.”

“How favorite, this thing papa.”

Said her papa: “never forget the magic of a heart!”

:: 04.16.2024 ::

Buzzing Bees Believing Love

While walking upon a hill
i heard bells

There were cloudy hearts
till you

And then music — sweet
and you

oh, i heard you walking
within a meadow

searching for something
the little ones told me

there is love all around
but i never heard you

till there was  you

?All the birds singing
about you and music _
and sweet flowers of red
and white and bees buzzing

Royal colors within
the hearts we shared
and sweet fragrant meadows

And i never heard it at all
until i saw you at all.

:: 04.143.2024 ::

White Rabbit

within night — let love beat dreams
so traveling / elegant hearts \
upon days –> revealed
Losers and lovers scream
like Stars and one Moon
people who lost love

Speak to me in melodies
of delicate beauty,
Your sounds gently embrace
my senses,

Yet none of the words
I heard could I comprehend,
The narrative conveyed
was unmistakably lucid.

my soul has a thought –>
change the subject!

All crazy love is
stark raving mad!

Cats? None with a frown but mostly a grin.
Expecting: all life as a moral, if you
can discover it yeah.

Tonight I had a curious dream!
I woke up and saw I was within
a deeper one — So I’m late! late!

Toccata and Fugue in Dm, BWV 565 by J.S. Bach

In shadows deep, where whispers lie,
A haunting melody fills the sky,
Notes cascade like raindrops fall,
Toccata’s touch upon the soul.

Does what it pleases.

In D minor’s somber key,
Bach’s masterwork sets spirits free,
Organ pipes with solemn breath,
Sing of life, of love, of death.

Fugue arises, voices entwined,
Counterpoint in harmony defined,
A dance of themes, a cosmic play,
Where light and shade in concert sway.

One i can say, one and one is Me.

O Bach, your music timeless soars,
Through vaulted arches, ancient doors,
Echoes linger, ethereal and grand,
In every chord, your genius stands.

Toccata and Fugue, divine embrace,
In each resounding, sacred space,
A symphony of depths profound,
Where Bach’s spirit forever is found.

Bach holds your arms until you feel
his fever___

Through swirling mists of ages past,
This opus holds its spell steadfast,
Bridging realms of earth and sky,
In Bach’s immortal lullaby.

So let the Toccata’s thunder roll,
And Fugue’s intricate whispers extol,
A legacy that shall endure,
Through centuries, steadfast and pure.

So, you must be creative hold me___

In shadows deep, where silence gleams,
Resonates the composer’s dreams,
Toccata and Fugue, eternal flame,
In Bach’s resplendent, timeless name.

As final chords softly fade away,
The spirit of his music will forever sway,
In hearts and minds, a lasting chord,
Of beauty from the keys of our Lord.

:: 04.10.2024 ::

TEARFUL (Lacrimosa)

I loved you, though I never confessed,
From early on and for so long,
You were my joy in every place,
The subject of every song …

I held you close within my heart,
Yet words I failed to speak,
In every moment we’re apart,
My spirit felt so weak.

But in the silence of the night,
I whispered to the stars,
Confessing love with all my might,
Across the vast memoirs!

For though I dared not speak it true,
My love for you was strong,
In every thought, in all I do,
You were my endless song.

And so I’ll cherish silently,
This love that’s ever true,
Hoping someday you might see,
My heart, revealed to you.

:: 04.10.2024 ::


amavi te, quamvis numquam fassus sum;
A primo et tam diu;
tu mihi gaudium in omni loco,
agitur de omni cantu…

Tenui te in corde meo,
nec verba locutus sum;
Singulis momentis seorsum sumus;
Sensit tam infirmus spiritus meus.

Sed silentio noctis
Surrexi ad astra;
“Confitens caritatem totis viribus meis;
Per immensa commentaria!

Nam etsi vera loqui non audebam,
Tuus amor fortis;
In omni cogitatione, in omni facio;
Tu mihi carmen sine fine fuit.

Itaque tacite colam;
Hic amor semper verus est;
Sperabam te aliquando videre,
Cor meum, tibi revelatum est.

Love Is Ever Near & Forever

Oh Goddess! Hear these awkward lines, wrung
By sweet memory’s force and fond reflection,
Pardon that your secrets I have sung
Even to your tender ear’s direction:
Perchance today was but a dream, or did I spy
The winged Psyche with wide-open eye?
Through a forest I wandered, lost in reverie,
Then suddenly, struck with surprise,
I beheld two figures, side by side they lie
In deep grass, under the whispering trees
Of leaves and blooms that softly sigh,
Beside a brooklet, scarcely seen:

Among hushed, fragrant flowers, with eyes of blue,
Silver-white, budding Tyrian hue,
They rest serenely on the grass;
Their arms entwined, and wings too;
Their lips not meeting, yet no farewell,
As if parted by gentle slumber’s spell,
Yet poised to share countless kisses
At the tender dawn of love’s golden bliss:
The winged girl I knew, but who are you,
O fortunate dove, her true Psyche too!

Oh most recently born and lovely vision,
Surpassing all Olympus’ old dominion!
Fairer than Phoebe’s starry height,
Or Vesper, sky’s enamored light;
Fairer than these, though without shrine,
Nor altar decked with flowers fine;
No choir of maidens to sing through the night,
No voice, no lyre, no flute, no fragrant smoke,
From censer swung in rhythmic stroke;
No sacred grove, no oracle’s sight,
No dreams of seers in the pale moon’s light.

Oh brightest one! Though late for ancient rites,
Too late for the lyre’s devoted flights,
When forest boughs were deemed sacred,
And air, water, fire, held holy:
Yet in these days, far from joyful cries,
Your radiant wings among fading deities,
I see and sing, inspired by my own sight.
So let me be your chorus, and lament
Through the quiet hours of night;
Your voice, your lyre, your flute, your sweet incense,
From the swinging censer’s dance;
Your sacred space, grove, prophecy’s essence,
Divine dreams seen through the seer’s glance.

Yes, I’ll be your priest, and raise a shrine
In my mind’s unexplored deeps,
Where thoughts, newly formed with pleasant pain,
Murmur like pines in gentle breeze;
Far and wide, dark-clustered trees
Adorn the steep, rugged peaks;
There, amidst breezes, streams, birds, and bees,
The moss-clad Dryads find peaceful sleep;
In this vast stillness, a rosy sanctuary blooms,
Woven with the lattice of creative mind’s looms,
With buds, bells, and nameless stars that gleam,
Imaginary blooms of fanciful dreams,
Each cultivated, yet never the same;
All the gentle pleasures of elusive thought,
For you to cherish and claim,
With a bright torch and a window left unbarred,
To welcome warm Love’s flame!

:: 04.10.2024 ::

My Love Swears Truth

Good afternoon. If even in prayer
By evening as a pauper in a chair

i have spent my life in explaining
these thousands dreams where most
are swallowing these dreams i never
ignored. And now there is one patch
of flowers explaining me.

From a golden rim step among vocal chords
pink and velvets, as gray gauzes,
and crystal disks of folly & disease
We believe and see digitalis wounds
with their centuries of no talent!

And Swearing my love, made of love
that maybe she lies — that she may
think I am unthinking /unlearned in
a world of falshitiest — on both
sides \ that she knows my days are
best undoing her tongue that she is
not unjust | Oh! best is love untold
and between us we are all undo
suppressed : by love’s inhabited
by lies we flatter be.

In spite of hate and love
In realization I am the one
lost in this cage____
the only one \now weeping/

:: 04.08.2024 ::