Daily Archives: May 13, 2024

Davy Jones Locker Is Full

Oh look ~~ stars fulfill
my dreams when i lay down
upon a daze

Oh so often these days
become my deepest dreams

Howv there’s no denying
oh! I remember I’m dreaming
and King of my unwakened world

No one speaks but I reach out
and I see Einstein screaming

Oh me oh my
cheer for the University
of Common People

Oh, father, let me sell my sails
give me everyone to fulfill
my provisions

Oh, allow. Oooh.

How Davy Jone’s locker relates
Ooh! Captive in dripping wet
rusting box of iron bars

Crying, below a rotten deck of
sea-dead wood, as he wipes
leaking filthy water from his
oil-slicked forehead_____

For provisions I spend my
Soul to make provisions
and sail we shall onward!

:: 05.14.2024 ::

Sometimes When You Are

WHEN you feel small

when tears are in 
your eyes

I’ll dry them all
(I’m all inside 
your heart)

And I will hug
you ~~ when you’re
lonely my one


when you are down
when evening falls hard
I’ll take your heart
and move it from dark

like a lover I will
cover your soul sound
sometimes girl
sometimes wonderful

i take your burden 
i take your darkness

And paint it in love
And then i will paint

your soul and make 
it sound_____.

In vast expanse
of the universe’s art
your essence glimmers,

a masterpiece in my heart
I’ll hold you close
amidst the chaos and strife
and with each tender stroke

I’ll enbue life
for in your presence
a symphony I’ve found

each note a testament
to love unbound
so let me weave,
with colors bright

a tapestry of joy
in the darkest night.

Together, we’ll dance,
in the rhythm of grace,
and in your soul’s portrait,
find a sacred space.

For sometimes, my dear,
is a canvas divine,

where our love’s melody

forever will shine.

:: 05.13.2024 ::

Oh What a Day

Oh, what a day
What a time
little man
(so in a rush
for important
so we can maybe
forget ~~~


Nothing before
Nothing after

And lost that
f e e l i n g
(little child
who have tried
who have failed
who have attempted
but cried)


big lies
big faces
big excuses
big babies
big tears
(like you loved,
loved, like a love
you never find
anyday — oh

:: 05/13/2024 ::

No One But Us

NO one but us
i want to stand and stare
for all that is which remains
| our eyes ~~

Accepting the tears
of your jewels of love
from your eyes___

No matter, i will touch
your tender wall
of love and life ~~

It’s in your eyes
all within your eyes
so i stand and stare

All within the life
of your experience
(in your eyes)

Life | i gave sometime
and sometimes /easy/
but nothing connects\

to the place
where you are

So soon without noise
i feel your fingers

Like heat | i’m complete
in your heart | i want
to touch your face

In all my incomplete dreams
I want to be a part of you
so let me dream ~ in your eyes