Monthly Archives: June 2024

Alpha Bet Lesson

Have you seen a ‘v’—(sounds so beautiful)
Hop across a ‘t’ or even ‘y’ inside
A ‘d’, it’s all inside of me, so full.

Alphabet needs, in language’s pull,
Something in the way, I cannot hide,
Have you seen a ‘v’—(sounds so beautiful)?

In a deep dark well of mostly nights dull,
I kissed ‘m’ and ‘e’, where secrets reside,
A ‘d’, it’s all inside of me, so full.

Words touch all I hide, their whispers mull,
Cries feeling how I am, though much denied,
Have you seen a ‘v’—(sounds so beautiful)?

All of me cried feeling how I might lull,
Am SO “m” “T”, emotions collide,
A ‘d’, it’s all inside of me, so full.

Something in the way, how words just cull,
All I hide away from me, thoughts untried,
Have you seen a ‘v’—(sounds so beautiful)?
A ‘d’, it’s all inside of me, so full.

(rev) 06.20.2024


In the garden of longing, shadows dance,
No soul more heavy with sorrow than mine,
Weary footsteps trace the path of dusk,
Chasing the embrace of eternal night.
O Love, what does your cruel embrace seek?
My heart, innocent, finds no rest, no peace.

In your brilliance, I find no refuge, no peace,
Only a longing for the quiet dance
Of twilight dreams. What do you seek,
O Love, in this heart of mine?
I yearn for the gentle embrace of night,
To find solace in the shadows of dusk.

Once, I saw a knight, radiant as dusk,
His presence, a fire consuming peace.
Now, that memory fades into night,
As I yearn for the final dance,
To release this burdened heart of mine,
And find what my soul seeks.

O kingly sunflower, does your gaze seek
The hidden blooms that dwell in dusk?
In your golden light, can you see mine,
A fragile flower yearning for peace?
Yet, love’s torment is a relentless dance,
And shadows deepen with the fall of night.

In dreams, I find you, haunting the night,
Your vision, a phantom that seeks
My weary soul. In this silent dance,
Do you hear my whispers in the dusk?
Or find solace in my quiet peace,
As your golden eyes search for mine?

Yet, even as I yearn, this heart of mine
Finds no rest, no solace in the night.
For love’s cruel embrace steals peace,
And shadows linger where light seeks.
In the garden of longing, amidst the dusk,
We dance a timeless, sorrowful dance.

O sunflower, in this dance, where does peace
Find rest? Not in mine, but in the night’s
Embrace. Seek the shadows, find solace in dusk.

:: 06.20.2024 ::

A sestina is a complex, highly structured poetic form consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, followed by a final tercet, known as the envoi. The defining characteristic of a sestina is the intricate pattern of word repetition at the end of each line, which follows a specific sequence. I write a lot of free form. Just wanted to do something different ❤

While Humanity Sleeps

WHILE humanity sleeps (half of the world to you and me)
We, birds whom nature adores charm from atop lookouts
shut eyes and dream
dream of mind and feels
As each night branches out into a single, flowering thought
from wings to the beak of your beloved wheelbarrow
who flies away after pecking food from Earth’s Soul
We, the bronze sighs of a statue that raises itself
upon an elbow while institutions sleep
And the dreamer, may his glowing gaps open up with shut eyes
dreamer with tears and laughs ; the horror of things
through it all i can hear you cry
beyond white sand shores into coral antlers of pain
So stretch your eyes and heart
So just say the heart is fractured
(i’m saved) so shut your mind and sing/just say
“Your heart is right — just go on and dream”

:: 06.20.2024 ::

The Terrors of Infinite Realities

The day is midnight at noon and the skies are bleeding red yokes.
And the skies and sky scrapers are on fire ./cars on fire with no one at the wheel
and the government\corrupt/ tens of thousands of suicides and the wind is hot
everyone trapped within the belly of this machine and we are screaming. And the machine
is bleeding to death while the flags are all dead on top of all those poles.

In the quiet town of Eldridge, four teenagers—Alex, Jamie, Sam, and Casey—stumbled upon an ancient book hidden in the dusty attic of their school’s library. Bound in worn leather and adorned with strange symbols, the book seemed out of place among the mundane school records and old yearbooks. Intrigued by its mysterious appearance, the group decided to take it to their usual hangout spot, an abandoned cabin in the nearby woods, to explore its contents.

As the sun set and shadows grew long, they gathered around a rickety wooden table, the book’s eerie presence casting an unspoken tension among them. Alex, the group’s natural leader, carefully opened the book. The pages, yellowed with age, were filled with intricate drawings and cryptic text in a language none of them recognized. But what caught their attention was a diagram depicting a series of interlocking circles—what seemed to be different worlds connected by thin, dark lines.

Jamie, the tech-savvy skeptic, used their phone to take pictures of the pages, hoping to decipher the text later with some translation app. Sam, always the curious one, noticed a small inscription at the bottom of the diagram. It read: “Beware the crossings, for they reveal the unseen.” They shrugged it off as an attempt to scare them, but a strange chill settled over the group, as if the words held a hidden truth.

Over the next few days, they delved deeper into the book’s mysteries. Jamie managed to translate some of the text, revealing that the book was a guide to the multiverse—an infinite number of parallel realities, each slightly different from the others. Excited by the discovery, they continued their research, unaware that their curiosity was about to lead them into unimaginable horrors.

One night, while experimenting with an incantation from the book, the air around them began to shimmer and distort. A portal, glowing with an otherworldly light, opened before them. With a mix of fear and excitement, they decided to step through, finding themselves in a world that looked like their own but felt off—darker, colder, and filled with an oppressive sense of dread.

As they explored this parallel world, they noticed subtle yet disturbing differences. The town was eerily silent, with abandoned cars and empty houses. The sky was a permanent shade of twilight, and an unnatural stillness hung in the air. It wasn’t long before they realized they were not alone. Dark figures lurked in the shadows, watching their every move with glowing eyes.

Panic set in when they tried to return through the portal, only to find it had vanished. Stranded in this nightmarish version of Eldridge, they had no choice but to seek refuge in their old hangout spot—the abandoned cabin. There, they regrouped and tried to figure out how to reopen the portal. The book, however, seemed to have lost its power, the once glowing pages now dull and lifeless.
As days turned into weeks, the group struggled to survive. They scavenged for food and avoided the shadowy figures that roamed the town. During one of their expeditions, Casey discovered a journal in the library of this alternate Eldridge. The journal belonged to someone named Dr. Alistair Crowley, who had apparently been studying the multiverse and its horrors for decades.

According to Dr. Crowley’s journal, the shadowy figures were inhabitants of the “Dark Worlds,” parallel universes consumed by evil. He warned that once someone crossed into these worlds, they risked drawing the attention of these malevolent entities. The journal also hinted at a way to escape, but the instructions were incomplete, the final pages torn out.

Desperation took hold as the group faced increasing attacks from the shadowy figures. Each night, the creatures grew bolder, their glowing eyes peering through the cabin’s broken windows. Alex, feeling responsible for their predicament, pushed himself to decode the journal’s cryptic clues. Sleepless nights and constant fear took a toll on him, and he began to hear whispers in the darkness, calling his name.

One evening, as the group huddled together in the cabin, the whispers became too much for Alex to bear. Driven by an unseen force, he wandered into the woods, where he found an ancient stone circle. The symbols carved into the stones matched those in the book. In a trance-like state, he chanted the incantation he had memorized, hoping to summon another portal.

The air crackled with energy as a portal slowly opened within the stone circle. The rest of the group, realizing Alex was missing, followed the strange light to the clearing. They found Alex unconscious but alive, the portal shimmering before them. With no other choice, they carried him through the portal, praying it would lead them back home.

To their relief, they emerged in their own world, but things were not quite the same. They found themselves in an Eldridge that seemed untouched by time, as if they had traveled back to a version of their town from the past. Confused and disoriented, they made their way back to the library, hoping to find answers in the book.

To their horror, the book was gone, replaced by a note that read: “The crossings have consequences. Beware the ripples.” As they pondered the note’s meaning, they realized that their adventure had left a mark on their world. Strange occurrences began to plague the town—people disappearing, mysterious lights in the sky, and whispers in the night.

Haunted by their experiences and the knowledge that the multiverse was real, the group vowed to protect their world from further incursions. They became guardians of the secrets they had uncovered, always watching for signs of otherworldly threats. Their friendship, forged in the crucible of terror, became their greatest strength as they faced the unknown horrors of infinite realities.

:: 06.16.2024 ::


(this prose I wrote because I enjoy Mary Shelley’s story of her Prometheus. This is entirely inspired by her brilliant novel, FRANKENSTEIN (1818)).

After a few months I was engaged in preparing a coffin, which I thought sufficient to the purpose. I accordingly measured out the requisite quantity of sand and put it into a basin of warm water, which was put over the face of the body. After waiting some time, I tried again, but the body did not revive. Then I gave it up, saying, “Let it rest in peace, it will not revive.”

But when the time came for another trial, I took the body, and with great care mixed in the required quantity of the water, and applied it to the face. The eyes opened, the tongue moved, the whole being awoke. I was not surprised at this sudden awakening, but I did not expect to have to exert myself so much. I was prepared for some short revival, which might be followed by the same rest. But the effect was as if the body had been regenerated. The next trial was to let it rest for three hours, and after this I put it into the water, and applied it to the face. This time the soul came to life, and in three hours had recovered from its death-like slumber. I was now satisfied that the original body was to be replaced by one animated with life.

It was difficult to determine the right place for this purpose, as it required a considerable amount of money. I took my time about it, and was undecided about a very large house, which was then occupied by my father. He had a very long-winded son, who lived in a small, close, flat, close, and then finally to a close, which was then occupied by a small man, a cook, and a postman. They were always at home, and their mere existence irritated me, as I had to listen to them every moment of the day. The money I had saved, and the rest of my money, were now spent in purchasing the casket.

I was delighted to find a servant, an old woman, who had charge of my rooms, and I gave her a very small sum, as I thought she would like it.

She, on her part, seemed to be so happy at the news of my action, that she called the cook, and ordered him to bring all the articles which she thought would go into a coffin. I then took a few precautions. I sent for a certain boy, who lived in the neighbourhood, and who was employed as a gardener, and had charge of the garden in which my father’s house stood. I told him that I wished to use his services in making a coffin, and gave him the necessary instructions.

I had a large store of furniture, and I employed the boy to pack it all up, and make a casket. I did not know what the thing was to be made of, and I had made a large mistake in the first attempt, so I decided to go and see my father, who had a shop in his house, where he sold, amongst other things, ironmongery.

When I arrived, he said, “I have a coffin to make for you, but it is quite impossible to make a casket out of iron.”

“What is the matter with it?” I asked.

“The joints are too weak. You must have something more strong.”

“Then,” I said, “give me something more strong.”

“The best I can give you is some wood,” he said.

“Wood!” I exclaimed. “I have only one piece of wood in the whole house, and it is too thick.”

“It will do,” he said.

“But I have a great store of iron.”

“Yes, but you will have to get it in a different shape.”

“Then give me a casket.”

“No,” he said, “you must make your own.”

“Then,” I said, “I must make a casket.”

“You must not,” he said, “for it will be very difficult.”

“I must,” I said, “for my life is in it.”

“I cannot let you make it.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because,” he said, “it will take you a long time to make it.”

“I will,” I said, “and then you must give me the money to buy the wood.”

“No,” he said, “I cannot.”

“Then,” I said, “I will go to my father, and he will give me the money.”

“No,” he said, “for it will cost you more than you can afford.”

“But I must,” I said, “for my life is in it.”


The coffin was finally complete, a testament to my relentless pursuit and the silent accomplices who unknowingly aided me. It stood in the dimly lit basement, a grotesque monument to my obsession. The wood gleamed with an eerie sheen, as if anticipating the life it was about to cradle.

With trembling hands, I lifted the lifeless body and gently placed it inside the coffin. My heart raced with a mixture of dread and exhilaration. This was the moment I had been striving for—a moment that could redefine the boundaries of life and death.

I carefully closed the lid, sealing the body within. The air in the basement grew thick with anticipation. I took a deep breath and began the final phase of my experiment. I connected the electrodes to the casket, ensuring every wire was perfectly in place. The generator hummed to life, its low vibration echoing through the room.

I had acquired a rare chemical compound, rumored to enhance cellular regeneration, from a clandestine source. The vial of luminescent blue liquid seemed to pulsate with a life of its own. I injected it into the veins of the deceased, watching as it spread through the body, infusing it with an otherworldly glow.

The moment had arrived. I activated the generator, sending a surge of electricity through the body. The room filled with the crackling sound of energy, and the casket shook violently. I watched in breathless anticipation as the body convulsed, every muscle twitching under the electric current.

Minutes felt like hours as I observed the transformation. The blue glow intensified, spreading throughout the body. Then, suddenly, the convulsions ceased. Silence fell over the basement, broken only by the fading hum of the generator.

I approached the coffin with cautious hope. Slowly, I lifted the lid. The body lay still, the blue glow dimming. My heart sank, and despair began to creep in. Had all my efforts been in vain?

Then, a miracle. The fingers twitched, followed by a slight movement of the arm. The eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of piercing, luminous blue orbs. The once lifeless body now exuded an aura of vitality, a testament to my success.

“Can you hear me?” I whispered, my voice trembling.

The being’s eyes focused on me, and it nodded slowly. My heart swelled with triumph. I had done it. I had conquered death.

But as I looked into those unearthly eyes, a chilling realization began to dawn. This was not merely a resurrection. This was something entirely new, something beyond my comprehension.

The creature sat up, its movements fluid yet disconcertingly mechanical. It regarded me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. I had given it life, but what kind of life had I created?

“Who… am I?” the creature asked, its voice a haunting blend of human and machine.

“You are my creation,” I replied, struggling to mask my unease. “You are a new beginning.”

The creature tilted its head, processing my words. “What is my purpose?”

I hesitated. In my quest to conquer death, I had not considered the implications of this new existence. “To live,” I finally said. “To experience the world and discover your own path.”

The creature stood, its movements growing more natural with each passing second. It looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and something else—something I could not quite identify.

“And you?” it asked. “What is your purpose?”

I was taken aback by the question. “I am your creator. My purpose was to bring you to life.”

The creature nodded, but its eyes never left mine. “Then we are both searching for our purpose.”

With those words, it began to walk towards the stairs, leaving the basement and the confines of its wooden cradle. I followed, my mind racing with questions and fears. What had I unleashed upon the world? And what would become of us both in this new reality we had forged?

As we emerged into the light of the outside world, I realized that my journey was far from over. It had only just begun.

:: 04.23.2021 ::

:: 06122024 ::

Moonlight Sonata – A Poetic Interpretation

Adagio sostenuto (First Movement)

In the still of night, where shadows dance,
A melody unfolds, a mournful trance.
Soft whispers in the moon’s gentle light,
A serenade of sorrow, pure and bright.

The keys weep softly, like tears on glass,
A tale of heartache from the distant past.
Each note, a sigh, a breath, a plea,
Echoes of a love that used to be.

Through the darkness, a flicker, a spark,
A glimmer of hope in the depths of the dark.
Yet the night remains, serene and still,
A canvas of dreams, a longing to fulfill.

Allegretto (Second Movement)

A playful interlude, a brief reprieve,
From the melancholy, a moment to believe.
The dance of shadows, a delicate play,
A waltz of light in the breaking day.

Joy peeks through, a fleeting glance,
A momentary pause in sorrow’s dance.
The heart lifts, if just for a while,
A gentle smile, a tender guile.

But the joy is brief, a passing phase,
A whisper of dawn in a moonlit haze.
Yet in that moment, hope is reborn,
A promise of light in the coming morn.

Presto agitato (Third Movement)

A tempest arises, a storm of sound,
A fury unleashed, emotions unbound.
The keys thunder, the heart races,
A whirlwind of feelings, no traces.

Passion ignites in a fervent blaze,
A tumult of thoughts, a frenzied maze.
The soul cries out in wild despair,
A clash of dreams in the midnight air.

Yet within the chaos, a truth reveals,
The power of love that never yields.
In the storm’s eye, a calm, a peace,
A glimpse of eternity, a sweet release.

:: 06.09.2024 ::

Fitfull Sleep

Into you I dive, finding comfort,
It’s good to be here, but I stop short.
I rush around in my own bubble,
In this hotel, a place of rubble.

Connected to wires, fed by tech,
But waiting here makes me a wreck.
Break me, danger, call for help,
I need to go, can’t do it myself.

Whoa, whoa, the sounds surround,
But the peace in the air is profound.
Burst out, bathed in new light,
Disconnected, I cry out at night.

A brain, useless, fed by sleep,
Angels of rest, my soul to keep.
Whoa, whoa, the echoes fade,
In this modern life, my heart is swayed.

:: 06.09.2024 ::

Your Touch

AS LOVE LIKE a flower
i look at you ~~
in a beautiful frame

SuN at Noon Never burns me
less lungs breathing
whO perfectly whO
is the winner / i saw an angel
and your touch made me cry
in this destructive world

and it strived for my heart
and it revived my head and heart

so I must be dreaMing b’cause i
don’t belong here ~~

i’m newly alOne it is
so special / dreamest

oNLY THE SuN burns o
VER BeauTI FUL ones
screaming SPIR

I was down in the dirt
and my head was in dirt
i tried to say

I tried say …
tried to say ~~~
tried to say __

it’s in our heads.

:: 06.09.2024 ::

Whispers of Dawn’s First Light

morningsun’s breath whispering anew
trushes’ voice dances firstnotes blue
praise the songs, praise dawn’s bright sigh
praise the leap from Word’s first cry

sweet rains fall, sun-kissed from skies
first dew’s kiss on primal grass lies
praise the sweet of garden’s wet kiss
wholeness blooms where He did pass

mine the sunlight, mine the dawn
born of Light where Eden’s beauty shone
praise with joy, praise each new rise
God remakes the day before our eyes

morning breaks, first light replays
Thrush speaks, dawn’s hymn conveys
praise for song, praise the new
praise the spring from Word’s view.

:: 06.07.2024 ::

So We Burn

UNDER every crack
the broken smile lives
Above the skies
a dysfunctional god

Our trades / the desires
Our sadness monetized
Our sex all in vain
Our politics remain

And what do we get
for our pain?
We trade desires
even though we die

So we burn
in the fire we’ve made,
In shadows we dance
as our edges fade.

Dreams turn to ashes,
whispers to screams,
In a world where nothing
is quite what it seems.

We walk through the embers,
lost in the night,
Searching for meaning
in flickering light.

Our hearts charred and heavy,
our spirits worn thin,
Still, we persist
in the furnace within.

For in every flame,
there’s a story untold,
A struggle, a hope,
in the heat of the cold.

So we burn,
not in vain, but in strife,
Forging our path
through the crucible of life.

We burn.

:: 06.07.2024 ::