Daily Archives: June 2, 2024

Blood As Art

You shed your coat in the stormy rain,
Ever wild, a phantom in the night,
And I watched from my shadowed pane,
An outsider, hidden from your sight.

Enigmatic, with eyes so dark,
And hair wild as the tempest’s call,
You moved like whispers in the dark,
Sensitive, yet beyond it all.

You stood silent in my door’s embrace,
With words like ghosts of weather,
Unseeing my heart’s bleeding trace,
My knees to ground, a broken tether.

Love’s games, a spectral art,
Your thoughtless words, breaking my heart,
Breaking my heart.

Morning brilliance in your eyes,
Cigarette smoke, a wraith’s caress,
Over coffee, art’s demise,
Baroque, Mozart, in shadowed finesse.

Tales of love, you wove with ease,
While I, a shadow, strummed my tune,
Taught me truths, elusive keys,
Daring, clean, beneath the moon.

Hid my soiled hands from sight,
Lost somewhere along the line,
Mistook you for a heart of light,
A soul more like mine.

Love’s games, a haunting plea,
Tearing me apart,
Your thoughtless words, haunting me,
Breaking my heart.

You shed your coat in the stormy rain,
Ever wild, a phantom in the night.