In the garden of longing, shadows dance,
No soul more heavy with sorrow than mine,
Weary footsteps trace the path of dusk,
Chasing the embrace of eternal night.
O Love, what does your cruel embrace seek?
My heart, innocent, finds no rest, no peace.

In your brilliance, I find no refuge, no peace,
Only a longing for the quiet dance
Of twilight dreams. What do you seek,
O Love, in this heart of mine?
I yearn for the gentle embrace of night,
To find solace in the shadows of dusk.

Once, I saw a knight, radiant as dusk,
His presence, a fire consuming peace.
Now, that memory fades into night,
As I yearn for the final dance,
To release this burdened heart of mine,
And find what my soul seeks.

O kingly sunflower, does your gaze seek
The hidden blooms that dwell in dusk?
In your golden light, can you see mine,
A fragile flower yearning for peace?
Yet, love’s torment is a relentless dance,
And shadows deepen with the fall of night.

In dreams, I find you, haunting the night,
Your vision, a phantom that seeks
My weary soul. In this silent dance,
Do you hear my whispers in the dusk?
Or find solace in my quiet peace,
As your golden eyes search for mine?

Yet, even as I yearn, this heart of mine
Finds no rest, no solace in the night.
For love’s cruel embrace steals peace,
And shadows linger where light seeks.
In the garden of longing, amidst the dusk,
We dance a timeless, sorrowful dance.

O sunflower, in this dance, where does peace
Find rest? Not in mine, but in the night’s
Embrace. Seek the shadows, find solace in dusk.

:: 06.20.2024 ::

A sestina is a complex, highly structured poetic form consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, followed by a final tercet, known as the envoi. The defining characteristic of a sestina is the intricate pattern of word repetition at the end of each line, which follows a specific sequence. I write a lot of free form. Just wanted to do something different ❤

About EPRobles

Writer, Artist. I like to paint abstract acrylic images onto canvas. I love to read everything, and I especially enjoy science, philosophy, and the arts. I'm new to the blog experience and I very much enjoy it! I hope to learn as much about all the features that WordPress offers and thank you -- my visitor -- for taking time to read my words. Peace and love... View all posts by EPRobles

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