Tag Archives: #mannequin


EAT me maniacal mannequin
kiss my wishes. i am a broken
misunderstanding that only you
can understand AND SO the sun
Falls down across the erecting
Moon –the movers fell into
gracious love with the shakers
so lick me maniacal mannequin
and hold me until my skin turns
porcelain-blue like your heart.

:: 10-05—–2018 ::

ACT (of) TWO

THAT in my fever while sanity has escaped by baluster
i continue to gaze in daze across the sea of white-
capped madness

Each o-shaped mouth
Each Black-bead eye
and all the ears
all the chins

speak an infinite story of nothing but sadness.
And within the orchestral pit finely dressed musicians
they shed b-flat note tears; their mannequin powder-white
skin a color of pink’s sunsetting murmur.

Simply, the true story is off stage toward this
improbable army audience; the finely carved polychrome
citizens start to move; half-bodied and more alive
than the flesh-kingdom.

Last night. Last night i felt.
That one’s life can be as real as one’s imagination
if you sinerely wish it.

:: 08-23-2018 ::


Oh, once again! A cry!
Two-legged creatures
Making love under sheets
and that last sigh!

A mannequin releasing
its last plastic breath!

:: 12-15-2017 ::