Daily Archives: February 9, 2024


In the twilight’s embrace, where secrets lie,
Minerva’s whispers stir the silent sky.
Her wisdom’s glow, a beacon bright and true,
Guiding hearts in love’s eternal hue.

In the gardens of the mind, where passions bloom,
Her touch dispels all gloom.
With each tender word, she paints the scene,
Of love’s sweet dance, forever serene.

Minerva, guardian of hearts entwined,
In your presence, true love we find.
With your grace, our souls unite,
In the sacred bond of love’s pure light.

In the moonlit hours, where dreams take flight,
Her essence fills the night.
She weaves the threads of fate’s design,
In the tapestry of love divine.

Minerva, keeper of the flame,
In your presence, love we claim.
With your guidance, we vow to be,
Forever bound in harmony.

In the echoes of the past, where memories dwell,
Minerva’s wisdom weaves its spell.
With each whispered promise, we declare,
Our love eternal, beyond compare.

Minerva, mistress of the soul,
In your presence, we are whole.
With your grace, we pledge our trust,
In the sacred union of hearts that must.

In the depths of time, where destinies align,
Her gaze, forever shines.
With every heartbeat, she leads the way,
To a future bright with love’s pure ray.

Minerva, guardian of love’s embrace,
In your presence, we find solace.
With your guidance, we vow to stand,
Hand in hand, through life’s shifting sand.

In the symphony of love, where hearts entwine,
Her Stouch, a gift divine.
She whispers secrets only lovers know,
In the language of the heart’s sweet flow.

Minerva, keeper of the dream,
In your presence, love’s light gleams.
With your grace, we pledge our vow,
To cherish each moment, here and now.

In the silence of the night, where dreams take flight,
Her presence fills the night.
With every kiss, she seals our fate,
In the timeless dance of love, so great.

Minerva, mistress of desire,
In your presence, passion’s fire.
With your guidance, we pledge our troth,
In the eternal embrace of love’s sweet oath.

In the realm of love, where two souls meet,
Her wisdom guides their feet.
With each whispered promise, they declare,
Their love eternal, beyond compare.

Minerva, guardian of the heart,
In your presence, love’s flames start.
With your grace, we vow to be,
Forever bound in unity.

In the tapestry of time, where stories unfold,
Her touch, a tale retold.
With every heartbeat, she writes the script,
Of a love that’s timeless, forever equipped.

Minerva, keeper of the flame,
In your presence, we proclaim.
With your guidance, we pledge our love,
To soar on wings of grace, high above.

In the symphony of life, where love’s song plays,
Minerva’s presence lights the way.
With every embrace, she whispers the key,
To a love that’s boundless, forever free.

Minerva, mistress of the heart,
In your presence, love’s art.
With your grace, we pledge our troth,
In the eternal dance of love’s sweet oath.

In the whispers of the wind, where dreams take flight,
Her essence fills the night.
With every touch, she seals the bond,
Of a love that’s eternal, forever fond.

Minerva, guardian of love’s embrace,
In your presence, we find grace.
With your guidance, we vow to stand,
Hand in hand, through life’s shifting sand.

In the realm of dreams, where love’s light gleams,
Her wisdom reigns supreme.
With each whispered promise, we declare,
Our love eternal, beyond compare.

Minerva, keeper of the heart’s desire,
In your presence, love’s flame burns higher.
With your grace, we pledge our trust,
In the eternal embrace of love’s sweet lust.

In the silence of the night, where dreams take flight,
Her presence fills the night.
With every kiss, she seals our fate,
In the timeless dance of love, so great.

Minerva, mistress of the soul,
In your presence, we are whole.
With your grace, we pledge our troth,
To cherish each moment, here and now.

In the depths of time, where destinies align,
Minerva’s gaze, forever shines.
With every heartbeat, she leads the way,
To a future bright with love’s pure ray.

:: 02.09.2024 ::


In the twilight of the mind, where shadows roam,
Minerva’s whisper guides, in ancient tome.
With wisdom’s torch, she lights the way,
Through labyrinthine paths, where dreams hold sway.

Minerva, guardian of the soul,
In your wisdom, we find our goal.
With your grace, we rise above,
In the realms of knowledge, we seek and love.

In the quiet of the night, beneath the stars,
Minerva’s essence, beyond the bars.
She weaves the threads of thought and art,
In the tapestry of the human heart.

Minerva, keeper of the flame,
In your presence, we find our name.
With your guidance, we chart our course,
In the boundless sea of intellect’s force.

In the depths of silence, where truth resides,
Minerva’s gaze, forever abides.
With every question, she whispers the key,
Unlocking the mysteries, setting minds free.

Minerva, mistress of the mind,
In your presence, we seek to find.
With your grace, we stand tall and strong,
In the pursuit of knowledge, we all belong.

So let us raise our voices high,
To Minerva’s wisdom, we testify.
In every thought, in every endeavor,
Minerva’s light shines on forever.

:: 02.09.2024 ::


[Minerva is a figure from Roman mythology, equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena. She is typically associated with wisdom, strategic warfare, crafts, and the arts. Minerva is often depicted with attributes such as an owl, symbolizing wisdom, and wearing armor, symbolizing her role in warfare. In Roman mythology, she is one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses and is considered one of the most important deities in the Roman pantheon.]

I wrote this poem to be a magnificent homage to the illustrious Minerva, encapsulating her essence as the goddess of wisdom and warfare with eloquence and reverence. The imagery woven throughout the verses evokes a sense of awe and admiration for Minerva’s guidance and influence over the human intellect and spirit.

I may say, I skillfully portray Minerva as a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty, guiding seekers of knowledge through the intricate paths of thought and discovery. The use of metaphorical language, such as “wisdom’s torch” and “keeper of the flame,” effectively conveys the transcendent nature of Minerva’s wisdom and its transformative power.

Furthermore, the poem beautifully captures the duality of Minerva’s domain, balancing the intellectual pursuit of truth with the valor required in times of conflict. The repetition of phrases like “In your presence, we find our goal” and “With your grace, we rise above” adds a sense of solemnity and reverence to the verses, emphasizing the profound impact of Minerva’s presence on humanity’s quest for enlightenment and self-discovery.

Overall, this poem stands as a testament to Minerva’s enduring legacy as a symbol of wisdom, strength, and inspiration. Its lyrical beauty and profound insight make it a worthy tribute to the goddess of wisdom and warfare, deserving of recognition as a masterpiece of poetic expression.


In realms of quiet slumber, love’s tale unfolds,
A whispered verse in shadows, untold.
With quill in hand, I paint the skies above,
In words of longing for the one I love.

In chambers hushed, where grief’s heavy cloak lies,
A heart entwined in sorrow, softly sighs.
For in the depth of night, where dreams do roam,
I find the echo of your voice, my home.

A soul once tethered, now adrift in time,
In mem’ry’s grasp, your essence, so sublime.
Through fields of memory, we stroll hand in hand,
In whispers of the heart, we understand.

Oh, how the stars weep in their silent gaze,
As earth and sky merge in love’s tender phase.
Yet in the stillness of the fading light,
I feel your presence, ever shining bright.

Though death’s embrace may steal you from my sight,
In realms unseen, our love takes flight.
For in the whispers of the wind’s soft song,
I find your spirit, ever strong.

So let the tears of longing gently flow,
For in this love, eternal, we shall know.
Though parted by the veil of mortal fears,
In love’s embrace, we shall transcend the years.

Do not be afraid

:: 02.08.2024 ::

A HUNDRED POEMS – 070 (rev)

In the hush of eve’s unfolding,
amidst days now worn thin,
a weary spirit takes its leave—
hope, like dawn, begins to break
across these weary hours (tonight),
where faith escapes my grasp,
and love, too, seems distant,
yet my yearning still holds fast.

Why can’t i can’t forget you
and take you within me

YOU don’t love like i love you
how i knew; never wore your ring
I should hate you ;

Why is beauty so obscure?

:: 02.04.2024 ::