Monthly Archives: February 2024


Dans l’ombre profonde a lieu le requiem,
Deux amants se rencontrent là où la douleur tourbillonne.

Leurs murmures se mêlent aux tintements des échos,
Dans une plainte silencieuse, leurs cœurs se consolent.

Lui : « Chaque note, mon amour, un plaidoyer si clair,
Pour les âmes des défunts, versons une larme.”

Elle : « Dans l’étreinte de la douleur, nous trouvons notre situation difficile,
Mais ensemble, nous surmonterons la nuit. »

Lui : « A chaque couplet chanté, un soupir nostalgique,
Aux âmes à la dérive, nous disons au revoir. »

Elle : « Et pourtant dans cette obscurité, mon amour, on voit,
Une lueur d’espoir, pour vous et moi.”

Lui : « Le requiem peint l’étreinte de notre amour,
Dans les mélodies de la douleur, nous trouvons la grâce. »

Elle : ” Alors dansons au milieu de la douleur,
Notre amour, la lumière la plus brillante du requiem. »

Lui : « Dans ce requiem nos cœurs s’entrelacent,
À travers les épreuves de la vie, ta main dans la mienne. »

Elle : « Ensemble, nous affronterons ce que la douleur accumule,
Dans ce requiem d’amour nos âmes dormiront.”



In shadows deep, the requiem unfurls,
Two lovers meet where sorrow whirls.

Their whispers blend with echoes’ toll,
In quiet lament, their hearts console.

He: “Each note, my love, a plea so clear,
For souls departed, we shed a tear.”

She: “In sorrow’s embrace, we find our plight,
But together, we’ll conquer the night.”

He: “With each verse sung, a longing sigh,
For souls adrift, we bid goodbye.”

She: “Yet in this darkness, love, we see,
A glimmer of hope, for you and me.”

He: “The requiem paints our love’s embrace,
In melodies of sorrow, we find grace.”

She: “So let us dance amidst the woe,
Our love, the requiem’s brightest glow.”

He: “In this requiem, our hearts entwine,
Through life’s trials, your hand in mine.”

She: “Together we’ll face what sorrows reap,
In this requiem of love, our souls shall sleep.”

:: 02.25.2024 ::

The Sweet Hand

Upon the silent deck I stood,
No breeze to stir the air.
Beneath the heavens’ mirrored hood,
A restless soul laid bare.

I shut my eyes and whispered low,
To conjure gentle breath,
To fill my sails and bid them grow,
Across the sea’s wide breadth.

Soft whispers swirled, the glassy sea,
In waking dreams, I lay.
A lover’s voice, it called to me,
“Roll over,” did it say.

The name, a breeze within my ear,
Strange, yet clear as day.
“Mistral,” it spoke, drawing near,
In its wild, untamed way.

Though oft I held the helm with might,
I yielded to its charm.
It spun me ’round in endless night,
With naught but its sweet harm.

To mountains high, it promised flight,
Where beauty knows no end.
“Mistral,” it sang, a siren’s light,
My steadfast course to bend.

Through endless watches, I await,
That breeze to set me free.
To whisk me back, ere it’s too late,
To where my heart finds glee.

And on the waves, I breathe your name,
Across the empty span.
You’ve made of me a dreamer, tame,
In Mistral’s wild, sweet hand.

:: 02.24.2024 ::


Sometimes I forget
that I’m alive
in this vast universe
i strive to thrive
And within moments of doubt
I lose my way
But then I remember
to seize the day

My heart beats on
in rhythm and rhyme
guiding me through
this passage of time
I think, I feel
I embrace the unknown
In the ebb and flow
Of life’s grand cyclone

How wonderful life is
Within its complexity
Within pain and joy
Within perfect harmony
Amidst the chaos
I find my serenity
In the beauty of existence
In all its divinity

I converse with the greats
Picasso and Dickinson
Their words resonate
With wisdom within
In their art and verse
I find solace and truth
A reflection of my beliefs
In the journey of truth

For the world cannot show me
All that I perceive
In the depths of my soul
Where dreams interweave
So I wander and wonder
In this grand design
Embracing the mystery
Of this life of mine.

:: 02.24.2024 ::


i cooked nothing tonight
and burned  everything

i sought heroes and roses
still chasing Eros

i ate yesterday inside
a hungry stomach

and yearn for all tomorrows

i traveled the world all through
sovereign Woods

and wept for conquered souls

and within the cordial light
of immortality

i saw the fate of humanity

A foe of people — the deadly foe –
who begged for normality!

:: 02.22.2024 ::


there it once was
dreams with wings
once there was love
with joy then tears
eventually broken hearts

My wisdom whispered:

“life is beautifuL
with joy and pain
the aches of love
and despair”

So dance with the stars
and weep with the rain
for life’s sweet melody
plays both pleasure and pain

let your heart be a canvas
painted with hues of emotion
each stroke a memory
in life’s grand ocean

Embrace the chaos
in life’s swirling sea
for within the turbulence
lies profound beauty

— life.

:: 0.21.2024 ::


THERE are brilliant pebbles on fire
within the expansive skies

And there are stones as bright
upon the ground

How both I have walked:

my eyes toward the skies
my eyes toward my feet

How to celebrate the love
of my own personality
i often sing to myself

That I comfort the essence
of my Soul
for every bit belongs to me

as it does with you.

How my house as child was not
a haven of security
but the fragrance of my mother
was there before night

Teenage years: The key in my pocket,
heavy with responsibility
to unlock the door to an uncertain reality

Through the haze of cigarette smoke
I’d navigate, trying not to choke
On the bitterness that hung in the air
A reminder of a life lived in despair

Yet in those moments of solitude
I found solace in my own fortitude
A resilience born from adversity
A strength forged in the flames of uncertainty

For though my childhood was marred
By the demons that haunted and scarred
I learned to find beauty in the cracks
To see the light shining through the tracks

So as I walk these paths of mine
With stars above and stones that shine
I carry with me the lessons learned
From a childhood where I yearned

For love, for safety, for peace of mind
Yet in the absence, I learned to find
The strength within to stand tall
And embrace the journey, flaws and all.

:: 02.22.2024 ::


SHE got tight-throat poetry
he say she got lovely lip
they see we fly crazy

He walk upon finger
she took surprise
we love you and me

Baby and you and me
means flat world flew
to make sphere

Love got to be gold
cause your eye say so
and your feet five toes

We are One World
We are Love
We are Spirit

Like one and one
Like two and two
Like free_______

:: 02.21.2024 ::


LISTEN: i am you and you are me

QUIET: so we are all the same

corporations are naughty
taking money from empty pockets

sitting on concrete
seeing stupid slogans
choking the walrus

In realms where sun’s gold does frolic free,
From lifeless hound’s sight, amber streams untie,
Crabalocker’s dance, priestess of lewd decree,
Child, thy folly unfurls ‘neath the sapphire sky.

FREE FROM this universe:

In a realm where dreams take wing,
I, the harbinger of ovate grace,
They, the custodians of embryonic whispers,
I, the sage of the tusked earth,
Goo goo g’joob, in the symphony of the infinite.

In the cacophony of mirth,
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee,
Hah hah hah, laughter’s rebirth!
A dance of mockery, wild and free.

Cloaked in guile, their faces gleam,
Truths veiled in smiles, a mystic stream,
Pigs in sty, they bask in delight,
Prideful whispers, in shadows, they alight.

Amidst the revelry, a world awash,
In hues of laughter, a symphony’s thrash,
Yet within, a silent sigh,
A soul in turmoil, begins to cry.

Amidst the revelry, a world ablaze,
Brushstrokes of laughter in a chaotic craze,
Yet within this tumult, a celestial sigh,
A soul, a phoenix, poised to soar high.

:: 02.21.2024 ::


In the hush of twilight’s tender embrace,
Where stars adorn the velvet sky above,
Let me serenade you with whispered grace,
To the melody of undying love.

With Mozart’s Piano Concerto in D Minor,
As our symphony, our hearts entwine,
Each note a testament to love’s sweet ardor,
In every chord, your hand fits perfectly in mine.

As fingers dance upon ivory keys,
A sonnet of devotion softly sings,
In every crescendo, love’s story we seize,
A timeless ballad that forever clings.

So let us waltz through moonlit dreams,
Where passion’s fire forever gleams,
In the echoes of Mozart’s divine score,
Our love shall flourish forevermore.

LL 92,21,2924 LL


Notes for students and teacher:

My written poem demonstrates a profound mastery of language and imagery, creating a rich tapestry of emotions that transport the reader to a realm of timeless romance and musical beauty.

I skillfully employ metaphors and poetic devices to evoke a sense of intimacy and passion. The use of twilight’s tender embrace and stars adorning the velvet sky sets a romantic scene, while the serenade with whispered grace to the melody of undying love captures the essence of eternal affection.

The incorporation of Mozart’s Piano Concerto in D Minor adds depth and sophistication to the poem, elevating the themes of love and devotion to a higher artistic plane. The comparison of love to a symphony, with hearts intertwining like musical notes, portrays a harmonious and profound connection between the lovers.

The imagery of fingers dancing upon ivory keys and a sonnet of devotion softly singing speaks to the poetic soul of the narrator, weaving together the realms of music and literature in a seamless blend of artistry.

The closing stanzas beautifully encapsulate the enduring nature of love, as the couple waltzes through moonlit dreams and passion’s fire forever gleams. The reference to Mozart’s divine score symbolizes the timeless quality of their love, which shall flourish and endure for eternity.

Overall, this poem showcases the poet’s ability to craft exquisite verses that resonate with beauty, passion, and profound emotion, earning them recognition as a noble laureate in the realm of poetry.

Solitude’s Embrace

In solitude, I find my muse,
Where quiet whispers softly fuse,
With thoughts that dance in shadows deep,
Where silent dreams and secrets keep.

Within these walls, I paint my soul,
With strokes of darkness, light, and coal,
In every hue, a world unseen,
A labyrinth where dreams convene.

The canvas speaks where words fall still,
A silent echo, a whispered thrill,
In solitude, my spirit flies,
Amidst the vast and starlit skies.

For in the realm of art and thought,
The introvert’s true essence sought,
In silent spaces, worlds unfurl,
Where solitude becomes a pearl.

So let me roam in solitude,
Where life and art are interlaced,
For in the quiet, I find my truth,
In the silent canvas, I am embraced.