Category Archives: #dislocation


Polly gone
oh polygon
what quadri-
laterals you

(go) figure made
up of straight sides
(besides myself)
oh Polly’s gone
prolly so i still see
your shadows within
my head but full fleshed
within my beating heart

is why Polly’s gone
oh polygon what quadri-
laterals you possess!

:: 07.21.2020 ::


cough cough ***

 so IF is a glyph
of something MAYBE
   as 1, 2, 3, or
: dance here ::
or maybe more >
  eat these nasty
characters of A thru
Z:  western hemisphere
eat me.  Yea.  😉
   so look here — i placed
her peach upon my bicycle
  and we kissed  the day___
is when this all began.

:: 07.16.2020 ::


“i’m listening,” i said.

The words said:

“TELL me how a star can fall
Show me how to avoid it all
Touch my fish bowl but never
Never push me over — WATER!
The nostalgic drink for life
LOVE! — an elixir that
causes changes i’m trying to
hold it all TOGETHER!
i’m puppetized by you
Inside a deep State of You
I’m pauperized within me
Holding on holding on to
you-owe-you just you –”

U N G L U E D___!

:: 03.22.2020 ::

ACT (of) TWO

THAT in my fever while sanity has escaped by baluster
i continue to gaze in daze across the sea of white-
capped madness

Each o-shaped mouth
Each Black-bead eye
and all the ears
all the chins

speak an infinite story of nothing but sadness.
And within the orchestral pit finely dressed musicians
they shed b-flat note tears; their mannequin powder-white
skin a color of pink’s sunsetting murmur.

Simply, the true story is off stage toward this
improbable army audience; the finely carved polychrome
citizens start to move; half-bodied and more alive
than the flesh-kingdom.

Last night. Last night i felt.
That one’s life can be as real as one’s imagination
if you sinerely wish it.

:: 08-23-2018 ::


If confusion has you
(distance and emotion
means the heart skips
smoothly across wishes
of a dreaming spirit)

If you love
(me, i’m the agent of
confusion by way of
my unbridled mind)
a soul, the kindness is
smoothly a skipping stone

And inevitability is cousin
to fate, two clouds
serenading the sun
on Sundays the tears
of two hearts
shower-resembling flowers
like breathing-beating souls

:: 11-11-2014 ::