Tag Archives: #stupid


It’s on America’s tortured brow. That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame Cause Lennon’s on sale again…’
Didn’t they find him that way once?
Or are we all living in fairy-tale land?
The shepherd’s moan (This is L.A.)
The folk singer’s rattle
The preachers’ sermons
Are all the tragedy on this dismal scene
Everyone’s out to heal and pray
But the photographers are just making a buck
Saw it on the newsfeed
It’s a wee bit too pretty for my taste
I thought there was a duck in the boat
But I’m still waiting for my pasty belly to kick in
It’s a God-awful small affair
To the poor whore with the big holes
But her mummy is yelling no
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
But all she’s looking for is to get in
‘Cause the publicity and hope and pray have failed
because she found something else that keeps her going
She told the weather bureau she’s a cheerleader
Even Jesus came through to hear her prayer
Is there life on Mars?
It’s on America’s tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
\Oh, what a lot of pain!
Oscar has gone too far now (Oh!)
Our elected officials and the entertainment media
So many thinking the wrong thing is right
But who’ll be there to pick up her cardboard?
‘Cause the weather is a mess and all the malls are empty

Is there life on Mars?
It’s on America’s tortured brow
Didn’t they find him that way once?
Or are we all living in fairy-tale land?
The shepherd’s moan (This is L.A.)
The folk singer’s rattle
The preachers’ sermons
Are all the tragedy on this dismal scene
Everyone’s out to heal and pray
But the photographers are just making a buck
Saw it on the newsfeed
It’s a wee bit too pretty for my taste
I thought there was a duck in the boat
But I’m still waiting for my pasty belly to kick in
It’s a God-awful small affair
To the poor whore with the big holes
But her mummy is yelling no
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
But all she’s looking for is to get in
‘Cause the publicity and hope and pray have failed
She found something else that keeps her going
She told the weather bureau she’s a cheerleader
Even Jesus came through to hear her prayer
Is there life on Mars?
It’s on America’s tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Oh, what a lot of pain!
Oscar has gone too far now (Oh!)
Our elected officials and the entertainment media
So many thinking the wrong thing is right
But who’ll be there to pick up her cardboard?
‘Cause the weather is a mess and all the malls are empty
IS there life on Mars?
It’s on America’s tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Nobody was crying about Nelson Mandela
But we did rush to lift up the nation’s agony
‘Cause we were all so turned on by that gold-plated male body
So Madonna comes on and just like that
The college dean sold out the university
‘Cause we’re all so turned on by that derrière
It’s a God-awful small affair
The girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling no
And her daddy has told her to go
It’s a God-awful small

:: 10.17.2020 ::


painting or love?
     writing or drawing?
the bleeding organ of
an artist knows.
    it kills before he
is done.  plastioning feelings   
morbid thoughts i found myself
 inside a tangle of trees 
: and worried scholars are hairy
loved brutal:  epitome and swum
across the seas.  I screamed as
a virgin!


TONIGHT i could write the
baddest words: i could not
care where i am going –>
over the thin red line —
she was in a trance/
i put a pound of love
inside a quart of expectation
— will Shakespeare says
” do not go running away ”
but i hit the grown running
TOWARD CHANGE –> nothing stays
the same: change (i hear you
say) say, hey! every era
has words to express change
yea yea yeah — i say change
is a beautiful vagina of flowers

:: 07.31.2020 ::


Think different, Wheaties
breakfast of champions
and Caitlyn knows ||
i’m so horny but for tail
no dangling pieces
And a Diamond is Forever
They’re G-r-r-r-eat!
and Nothing Sucks like
an Electrolux!
Lover’s know: the best
part of waking up is
Folgers in Your Cup
and I don’t want to be
a consumer of commercial
products: shoot me please!
“Hey Mikey…He Likes It!”
case closed: hooked fish-
lipped mouth and nature’s
a whore so “Don’t Leave
Home Without It!”
Nothing Outlasts the Energizer
by Mennen and Pardon Me, But
Do you have any Fucking Grey
Poupon?” I mean, really…?
I digress infinitly and I’ve
Fallen and I can’t Get Up!”
t h is is you r b rain
on drugs –> BE LIKE MIKE
Got milk? Snap into a Slim Jim
horrific shit, yeah.yea.

:: 07-03-2015 ::