Daily Archives: July 15, 2020


i was seemingly me: walking down the plank
boards of society: nothing glows brighter than
bitter symphony awakened to the
light of love ==
i can hear the most
i can change the most

So i praised the long journey
believing everything so finished
so its just the beginning
NEVER saying what i hear from the woods
/seeds of birth\
i have never died an unlived life
Cherubs eating orchid flowers
bizardley arranged : i shall never
draw aside the veil of love,

is greatering than understanding

:: 07.15.2020 ::


WATCHING the animal within her cage;
eyes of ibex and look too closely
into an eye –> it is the sound of the class
you are / e v e r y t h i n g is where
it belongs\ all inside
and all — right where it
belongs as if everything
around you aren’t quite as
it seems )( negative reflections
: a l l you wish to be | but if you
could look right through Christ —
would you find yourself afraid?
to see as Narcissus staring and
hiding within a tree — so everything
around you are not quite as it seems
and the world you used to know
was an elaborate dream.
hey! wait! i have a new complaint
dressed myself within angel’s hair
and baby breath /broke your hymen with
-in prose-purple noose.

:: 07.15.2020 ::