Daily Archives: July 26, 2020


i found a shard of bleeding
so this Sunday Morning
i shouted, ‘so happy i found out
how i worried for no thing’ so
sorry so are you –> several days
before i found God. i felt okay
it’s so okay on this sunny morning;
we light our candles and find God.

:: 07.26.2020 ::


i am the ONE who walks upon a rotting knee
my breath is hell’s fragrance and my skin
is almost human.
i was born out of wed-locked insanity
so i am a bastard to many but the devil
to a fewer. i am the ONE who walks upon
a rotting heart — forever scorned and never
ever truly loved.

:: 07.26.2020 ::


silent is a screaming mouth
no one hears: emptiness
a volume of vomit upon the
audience-mass. But, LISTEN:
the music still plays.
gentle tonal colors
and red edges of Life
does this music speak of–

:: 07.26.2020 ::


A heatwave visited today carried by winds and star tears; it touched me.  
A vanilla taste warned amygdala as I was cycling back from hill country
away from dust beasts that live beyond the wooden bridge near the
dried out lakes of lost souls.  

That infernal star dropped across the horizon and bounced from Dallas
to San Antonio leaving burn prints like dots begging for carbon pressed
lines between death and destruction.

  I almost made it home but the star tears started to fall and such power
is resistant to prayers and dreams.  

As they fell the Earth opened up like onion paper against a furnace.

  I forget everything at that moment.


:: 07.25.2020 ::