Daily Archives: July 27, 2020


the GOD is a VAMPIRE
we hold up our skin
even now i know i suppose
i chose all the coal to burn
the memories away i still feel
i am sane burning everything
…can you fake it?
for just one more show
(i want to change for you)
do you feel even now: sane?
THIS trick is our DESIRE
i suppose i am cold like this
choice to kill all the rats within
their cages. No one will ever be
SAFE safe! SAFE!!!!!!

:: 07.217.293 Tell me i ;am the
only oNE— the CHOSEN ONE

;; 07.27.2020 ::


i am the blade never made
oh please give me
thunderous eyes
give us love
and surprise
— please
give us
more than
god could ever
from your mouth
are butterflies
spring and energy
of yellow & whites
oh yea oh yes.
i follow you & love
all your shapes &
colors. i do.

:: 07.27.2020 ::


the world is SICK and it is
not COVID-19.

The world is sick and it is
loss of Love

i fell down many steps breaking
my mouth and knees

– felt the sharp sword of
angry hearts.

For they were never loved.

Oh love, oh love come unto
us all. Bleeding deeply.

:: 07.27.2020 ::



i found two feet walking along a shoreline called Mississippi River and there was not a breeze or sound: the world was frozen. Blue ice.
So i began my journey there.
found colors, notes and feelings,
a catfish caught on a line; i saw
the water and skies moving gently
across my soul; this i did and i
had no feelings — it was spectacular
to view. Caught out of time and wonder
-ing what love could ever be as this.
i am not wishing. I am not granting.
I am not human. I am not anything you
can comprehend. I am alone.


No audience needed. I write for myself.

:: 07.27.2020 ::

EARTH screaming

EARTH screaming
screaming all day
all weeks all months
and years –eons
Soul into meat —
oooooooh! shorter
so now shine oh yea
way down inside Life
became Man and Woman
we receive all the
gifts as dealers >
so forget the goodtimes
and pick up your knees
for the flooding bleed
We are the Horror
we are the mirror
we are the sacrificed
spirits of a ghost world.

:: 07.26.2020 ::