Daily Archives: July 31, 2020


first the sun then the planets
then the Earth and of course
the dead dinosaurs we forget
to remember:

     i remember when i met you
millions of years ago when our
substance reached Earth;  its
within the memory of all DNA
  \shhh….secret!/  i love to
titillate powers of AGGRESSION–
     it is my Nature.

:: 07.31.2020 >: 


could a Heart made of Poetry
ever die ; into the ferocious
tied-lips of Life?
as a free bird —
poets are c l i ng
to me dear and sir:
as a bird
as life washed me clean
so warm and dry ; cleansing all
of the bluish wine-stains
and splattering’s of vomit,
we never lost the touch
that meant to mean so much
–dying embers of deliriums
and grinding rhythms of my
Love; i came to know the
skies and even the rock below
; i know the evening, and like
rising Phoenix of Spirit
as stress and fear roll back
as waves into the distances —
their eyes crying regretful

:: 07132020 ::


the Lust of my Love
as a Sun, affection
& Life
pours raining-burning
love down myChest toward
the valley of pollinator
of Life
my feet feel the Earth
tremble; the wondrous cradler
of humankind, and the entire
universe! The angels shivered;
the bronze pillars of her twin
breasts poured blue waters into
all the oceans of Life.

:: 07.31.2020 ::


SHE will say what love is:
and yesterday told me so.
doesn’t matter if the sun
is bright or the longest
of rainy days — i could
never know/mentioned how
a few true men are:
doesn’t matter if the sun
is bright or of darkest
days their true hearts are
as good as gold.

:: 07.31.2020 ::


the scent
of your
intoxicates me
And big indiscreet
kisses made my dry
thoughts turn wet
-as time ticks
the color of
Mind a wild ray
of ideas flooded
my Soul -the point
of delirium___|

:: 07.31.2020 ::