Category Archives: #pen


i found all the world within a sidewalk crack
so many soles walking over all sadness.

i apologize.

we all say, “everyone’s day is their own.”
what else can we be?

some kick off their shoes and enjoy the day
many others stick to their philosophy —

so what should they be?

 i walk within the golden light 

of forgiveness — for myself.

Would not wish to be you
with a gaping wound with salt;
they take all the blame eating freezer burn kisses
who has a right to say all apologies?

When i am close to nirvana

i say i wish i was as you
so easily confused with burning salt
but i cannot take blame — some choke
with after-birth and others embrace Sun.

:: 11.20.2020 ::


the heart expand to the left
it demanded space to grow
lilies of my fields
sprout and bloom in sunlight
fed you blossom and color
in the dark night: hypnotized
musical words
nurtured from \ little poems
thus i am human \
skin from dust
below your stem
that is where —
one-day i shall go
soon one day
and my soul
be your bed

:: 03-26-2014 ::
rev: 07.26.2020b 08112020


\HAVE regret for nothing by words:

If south were North
then Heaven would burn
Instead the heart should
ponder the mouth
lest words could cut the
cords of souls



i was tipsy-topsy turvy thinking
like a dreamy breakin’ heart
if you every go; so like me lonely
–you like my jealously had a temper
and possess love –>like i hated you
be free it’s me without anger ; when it
gets down it gets deeply lonely — pink
frustration and low-granted trees-tree! No one will see it my
Way: it’s me with a high root and low canopy
so like me without the anger — fool…
a free wish of winds — allow the free
moments come forth –>… anger.
when it gets down it gets lonely
some kind’a lost; what a mantra my monster
what a ‘coming back’ to push back — so you see i am me without
Seeing all that anger once around me: makes me mad made me sad
and sadder until i broke into little Pieces of Me.

it is a Crime to Break Down
while Saving Souls

:: 05.14.2020 ::


if you believe in me
I should believe
in gods and fairytales
I believe a top
is a tall space inside
my vacant love
my apartment cries
all four walls and seeing
her heart is believing
the less I feel inside
I love the smile of
a hungry red panda
and isn’t sweet love
sharp teeth tearing
the tender insides
of all painful fears
And all the spinning
tops so tall a space
inside my vacant life

:: 11-03-2014 ::


little-voice my biggest
tender tiny heart-Fire
burn my lipSoul when
all my words — sleeping
I tuck them beneath
the country-prose of
my land of living words
my little voice, tenderly!
within the hands I write
I hold your flowerHeart
and scribe the love within
the land of living words
and remain forever yours,
my living word!

:: 10-05-2014 ::