Tag Archives: #science


(this prose I wrote because I enjoy Mary Shelley’s story of her Prometheus. This is entirely inspired by her brilliant novel, FRANKENSTEIN (1818)).

After a few months I was engaged in preparing a coffin, which I thought sufficient to the purpose. I accordingly measured out the requisite quantity of sand and put it into a basin of warm water, which was put over the face of the body. After waiting some time, I tried again, but the body did not revive. Then I gave it up, saying, “Let it rest in peace, it will not revive.”

But when the time came for another trial, I took the body, and with great care mixed in the required quantity of the water, and applied it to the face. The eyes opened, the tongue moved, the whole being awoke. I was not surprised at this sudden awakening, but I did not expect to have to exert myself so much. I was prepared for some short revival, which might be followed by the same rest. But the effect was as if the body had been regenerated. The next trial was to let it rest for three hours, and after this I put it into the water, and applied it to the face. This time the soul came to life, and in three hours had recovered from its death-like slumber. I was now satisfied that the original body was to be replaced by one animated with life.

It was difficult to determine the right place for this purpose, as it required a considerable amount of money. I took my time about it, and was undecided about a very large house, which was then occupied by my father. He had a very long-winded son, who lived in a small, close, flat, close, and then finally to a close, which was then occupied by a small man, a cook, and a postman. They were always at home, and their mere existence irritated me, as I had to listen to them every moment of the day. The money I had saved, and the rest of my money, were now spent in purchasing the casket.

I was delighted to find a servant, an old woman, who had charge of my rooms, and I gave her a very small sum, as I thought she would like it.

She, on her part, seemed to be so happy at the news of my action, that she called the cook, and ordered him to bring all the articles which she thought would go into a coffin. I then took a few precautions. I sent for a certain boy, who lived in the neighbourhood, and who was employed as a gardener, and had charge of the garden in which my father’s house stood. I told him that I wished to use his services in making a coffin, and gave him the necessary instructions.

I had a large store of furniture, and I employed the boy to pack it all up, and make a casket. I did not know what the thing was to be made of, and I had made a large mistake in the first attempt, so I decided to go and see my father, who had a shop in his house, where he sold, amongst other things, ironmongery.

When I arrived, he said, “I have a coffin to make for you, but it is quite impossible to make a casket out of iron.”

“What is the matter with it?” I asked.

“The joints are too weak. You must have something more strong.”

“Then,” I said, “give me something more strong.”

“The best I can give you is some wood,” he said.

“Wood!” I exclaimed. “I have only one piece of wood in the whole house, and it is too thick.”

“It will do,” he said.

“But I have a great store of iron.”

“Yes, but you will have to get it in a different shape.”

“Then give me a casket.”

“No,” he said, “you must make your own.”

“Then,” I said, “I must make a casket.”

“You must not,” he said, “for it will be very difficult.”

“I must,” I said, “for my life is in it.”

“I cannot let you make it.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because,” he said, “it will take you a long time to make it.”

“I will,” I said, “and then you must give me the money to buy the wood.”

“No,” he said, “I cannot.”

“Then,” I said, “I will go to my father, and he will give me the money.”

“No,” he said, “for it will cost you more than you can afford.”

“But I must,” I said, “for my life is in it.”


The coffin was finally complete, a testament to my relentless pursuit and the silent accomplices who unknowingly aided me. It stood in the dimly lit basement, a grotesque monument to my obsession. The wood gleamed with an eerie sheen, as if anticipating the life it was about to cradle.

With trembling hands, I lifted the lifeless body and gently placed it inside the coffin. My heart raced with a mixture of dread and exhilaration. This was the moment I had been striving for—a moment that could redefine the boundaries of life and death.

I carefully closed the lid, sealing the body within. The air in the basement grew thick with anticipation. I took a deep breath and began the final phase of my experiment. I connected the electrodes to the casket, ensuring every wire was perfectly in place. The generator hummed to life, its low vibration echoing through the room.

I had acquired a rare chemical compound, rumored to enhance cellular regeneration, from a clandestine source. The vial of luminescent blue liquid seemed to pulsate with a life of its own. I injected it into the veins of the deceased, watching as it spread through the body, infusing it with an otherworldly glow.

The moment had arrived. I activated the generator, sending a surge of electricity through the body. The room filled with the crackling sound of energy, and the casket shook violently. I watched in breathless anticipation as the body convulsed, every muscle twitching under the electric current.

Minutes felt like hours as I observed the transformation. The blue glow intensified, spreading throughout the body. Then, suddenly, the convulsions ceased. Silence fell over the basement, broken only by the fading hum of the generator.

I approached the coffin with cautious hope. Slowly, I lifted the lid. The body lay still, the blue glow dimming. My heart sank, and despair began to creep in. Had all my efforts been in vain?

Then, a miracle. The fingers twitched, followed by a slight movement of the arm. The eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of piercing, luminous blue orbs. The once lifeless body now exuded an aura of vitality, a testament to my success.

“Can you hear me?” I whispered, my voice trembling.

The being’s eyes focused on me, and it nodded slowly. My heart swelled with triumph. I had done it. I had conquered death.

But as I looked into those unearthly eyes, a chilling realization began to dawn. This was not merely a resurrection. This was something entirely new, something beyond my comprehension.

The creature sat up, its movements fluid yet disconcertingly mechanical. It regarded me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. I had given it life, but what kind of life had I created?

“Who… am I?” the creature asked, its voice a haunting blend of human and machine.

“You are my creation,” I replied, struggling to mask my unease. “You are a new beginning.”

The creature tilted its head, processing my words. “What is my purpose?”

I hesitated. In my quest to conquer death, I had not considered the implications of this new existence. “To live,” I finally said. “To experience the world and discover your own path.”

The creature stood, its movements growing more natural with each passing second. It looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and something else—something I could not quite identify.

“And you?” it asked. “What is your purpose?”

I was taken aback by the question. “I am your creator. My purpose was to bring you to life.”

The creature nodded, but its eyes never left mine. “Then we are both searching for our purpose.”

With those words, it began to walk towards the stairs, leaving the basement and the confines of its wooden cradle. I followed, my mind racing with questions and fears. What had I unleashed upon the world? And what would become of us both in this new reality we had forged?

As we emerged into the light of the outside world, I realized that my journey was far from over. It had only just begun.

:: 04.23.2021 ::

:: 06122024 ::

South of the South Pole

Today i took a walk ~

i could not expect to move
south of the south pole

as time and space speak
of Time and Space

i asked Light to walk the
Earth; it did this and met
me many times along the way

undescribed are the particles
called space and time

i finished my walk and realized

there we are.

:: 01.31.2023 ::

The Unknown Rogue Variable

The solution:

create a manufacturing robot.

Have that one robot create

25 generations of robots.

The 26th will be free of all

touches of humanity and magic


:: 01.22.2023 ::

My Words are Gold My Intentions Whacked

AND everyday i’m cool — if i can have your attention
please: if i rest a moment near the well of despair  
wishing young heart’s clean skin like jesus postal fire
my needle: LIKE FATHER’s STEP-FATHER SUN BLOWS!  Such fear!
Yeah yeah oh fuck yeah so stuck in dark heart-break love
wail upon the heart and guitar strings : walking around
so cute grabbing screws and how i hate how Jerry Lewis laughs
when soviet union wants to destroy us (Beaver’s mom sucked
the reason I cannot walk right for a few days)
   Oh! Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In has
perky tits and Mary Tyler Moore
   abandoned her kids:  kill the
messenger carrying kool-aid to Uganda
for that sick reverend:  i love U S of A
and even the world — don’t care about that
i’m a poet who describes the world with words
     —  sure, that’s it.
sure, now in 2020’s we’re animals antelope
without stomachs but butterflies of lies
and France we saved oh wait — the whole fucking world
but your teachers are showing titties instead of teaching
how many of us lost lives so we can dip and rip and trip
and get on a mic and spit ~ so funny, when you’re forty
you’ll see how every single person is a ghost that stands up

  We’re all the real ones
     fathers and mothers
  children and creatures
 who fought to speak shady.

Come on.

:: 09-02-2015 ::

Hanging for Your Mistakes

i kick the stones
out my way | take the blame
, eat the fruit & hang from
a branch or a cross ! lay your lace and get this mother gone — i bowed a cross so gather around : and i don’t like how you make me hang around | and i don’t like what you got me hanging from a blaming fruit ? could it be priceless taste or how you always make me hang from your mistakes? okay, taste the blame, eat the fruit, kiss the snake
i never liked you had me hanging
for your mistakes.

lay your motor-rage : eat the one
mistake got me burning you and your
soul | and i don’t like what you’ve
got me hanging from and I don’t like
what I’m hanging from : all your

:: 10.23.2022 ::


WHEN the sky came down // when the wind left and the
oceans drained \ when the righteous sang, “by god.”
WE saw the creatures of life running to and fro
and saw how the machine held our hearts and eyes —
in chains.

When the sky came down.
when the night wept,
when the eyes of all creatures cried:
they hid from a perfect storm.

Everyone ran fron the wars and left the
desloation of Nations — when the purple
color and red became day when love screamed
we cried…for a god that never came.

Now, afterward we live life in the drifting horror
of dust and sand.

From the cruelty that defines
the small mouths of what humans are: let it be known
when the sky came down when the sun went away
and the Earth screamed and those who claimed
in God’s name he’ll save our skin; the light
burned our sight and killed our kin.

When the sky came down/ when the sun went dark\
and the universe wept and the righteous sang
to a dead god — we survived. Again.

:: 10.11.2020 ::


precis give me a life-line
and off my mind
waiting and hoping academia
will come back — waiting,
flooding tears all along
university walls:
i wait
and hoping you’ll come back.

(what? a precis for every
poem? Okay)

:: 07.21.2020 ::



within THAT part of humanity
that responds to all threats
we tell ourselves: we shall
bury you ; beneath our tears
i scream toward my little boy
run and hide across all
political fences ::we share all
same biology:: regardless of
ideology / if history was
a President there’d be no such
thing as subscribed views |
my sweet butterflies
my royal golden bees
my children are this world
we share such the same
and wishing God too.

:: 07.16.2020 ::


if the big smirk in the skull
of my mirrors kiss this dirt-death heart /whom everyone
wonders\where did he or she go? i will not have ever loved
one more than you whilst i take the red from within your body;
a hand’s impression is an empty theater without darkness and a
shard of light. i am a shape without the
once-good kissy-lip’d mouth /silver-moon’d anvil striking
spoon collecting the images of one fatal wound/;so much as the dilapidated
heart birdcaged within this ruinous estate!

:: 07.01.2020 ::


Edison was an a$$hole but Tesla a true gentleman of scientific  progress and

even though they do not know we are simply looking through the papers of life”s

nature;  life flows like…

B u t t e r f l i e s –> and someday rocks will sing ;

‘we wish you love and we wish you peace’     
yea oh
oh yea wish we lived within a better time than now     now-now       no hearse pulls a u-hall behind it now-now if you give it away give it all away i say and moths have no feed-time on a closet of emptiness   as empty heads require no hats — there-there;who wears a real hat these days?    Sinking waters hold ships tighter than leather-skin and she was a grand woman with      a long neck and longer abdomen– forgive the orchids for they ate her and spat up fluorescent pink angel hair.
