Category Archives: #perfect moment


The curtain hid my fear and ill-intention.
It led by with only a single hole, a reminder!

Then, right there and then even though behind
the curtainS, so wary of the cause:

What was the cost of the pain?

The cost for the life, the life for the key!


So this time i cast aside reason for belief:

Knowing in the seed of life!

oH NO! nOT me! you’re face to face with
the soul who made the world.

Behind the curtain, self loathing became true
and trust, trust, loss for a minute
then forever wound within my mind! For
gazing millions of billions of years
a long long time ago — who knows?

How we killed the, “once I dreamed.”
Said he was the friend of Humanity
and i spoke into his eyes and he
crucified so long ago with the man
who loved the World.

I laughed and shook his hand and said
“My friend, you are so kind.” So so
a long time ago. And watched him die.

:: 07.11.2021 ::


the heart expand to the left
it demanded space to grow
lilies of my fields
sprout and bloom in sunlight
fed you blossom and color
in the dark night: hypnotized
musical words
nurtured from \ little poems
thus i am human \
skin from dust
below your stem
that is where —
one-day i shall go
soon one day
and my soul
be your bed

:: 03-26-2014 ::
rev: 07.26.2020b 08112020


\   after the worst of days
of any age –on these nights
when blood meets moonlight
never feel bad for me.

i was glad
    to grow upon any night
so winds sing sounds–the
gates are near


when i wake up–Over there,
framed by a heart whose ventures
i love;  take me August nights!
after the worst of days

of any age
on these nights
when blood meets

:: 08.02.2020 ::


Come on out  come on
come out come now
Oh  my pretends are
sometimes overboard
so no oh no so low
:last time i was born:
   a new song hummed
below  Hymen oh, heavens
  /tap top rap ed
me so too soon you
see the end oh ha oh
well so |hellobYES
are so delicious
   with a sun bee
torn inside HEad

:: 07.21.2020 ::


Such fair weather
what storm-burst hearts
When caressing
heat-touch brilliant
morning’s sun each light
drenched steep
Warring showers within
the beautiful sorrows!
On a blue sky mourning
my bruised heart singing
songs-blue jay melodies
in meadows kissing me!

:: ~~ ::