Daily Archives: July 4, 2020


In this past I remember crickets &
flies indiscriminately conflating
phylum and Genus. Whether my flesh
within Babylon or Bayonne–
tonight is the toast of this Night:
Herr Ludwig Van Beethoven
his anger and brilliance could bore
kind hearts but his sugar notes and
finesse of the keyboard was charity
and progress — so sick am i within
all these strange looks […]
we saw and heard and were all these
sick happy heaps of children on the brink
of pleasant discovery.

:: 07.04.2020 ::


OH! it gets dark dressing yourself
within printed tights
out upon the wiley, windy moors
that our lips clash to agree —
my jealousy too hot, too greedy
how the angel of our misplaced
angles moved posession : it gets
so dark and so lonely — bad dreams
(nightmares) within the night;
telling me how i will lose this fight
i have no name today —
nothing left of me : it’s me
leaving behind my last breathing Life
the One who I love is a supreme i
mean the an
imal without a heart
SO huge this collective pesudobeast

:: 07.04.2020 ::


THE bed a crime scene of sorts
a passion spilled in sweat
willingly i go – to my death

he comes to me in the night
a sword sharpened by lust
and thrusts it into my soul

mother, i’m ready to come home
but the line between pain & pleasure
is small compared to the pleasant death

the coroner will say an untimely passing
but my murderous lover knew the timing
each plunge of his knife ever deeper

— // —


PAIN as love
thick & forgetting
thinner to remember
that when hate blows
the winds burn each other
— kiss the angel’s baby
lips as pleasure and pain
are one of each as one
hidden That when i speak
i use your beautiful
words since you are within
my aching heart of nothings

:: 07.04.2020 ::


EVil is a heart racing
leaving shadows behind
In this daylight everything
is lit with a target —
so you try so h ard
to hide.
Evil is hard breathing
& wishing to hide: no rock
or coverage can hide you:
— wishing to survive
then evil finds you
– the rest is humanity.
everyone just everyone!
wants to taste you and Devour

:: 07.04.2020 ::


TOO BLEACH the night
 every day / a mind
    spinning around
SOME days are rivers
loaded with white-capped
questions/she does it again
\to die forever within her
arms — always to be true/
         Growing up and
growing down so a little
thing  tearing at my friends
–the littlethings that kill
;; cupboard empty as we starve
  who you are : always knew
: growing up and coming down
so too bleached this night
tearing at my brain /every\
never spinning around
   are these little things
that kill.  


IF love is the every god
    then my lungs scream
pink tiny daisies quietly

  man, may his mighty brightness
 sing  a sea of never-met shores
the grey waves for love beginning
seas who lullaby unbiblical noose
  kills so deep & stronger
    than a lonely home comes  young
— a priceless gift:  the only
any illimitable star!

:: 07.03.2020 ::


i should be a worm
deep inside the green
whatever should i (else)be
cause there’s nothing else
to say — so i write;
some (so many) say i have
no right – no apologies
Within the Sun i Walk
like creme sherbet
so nasty no assault
(glam and wrong — freezer
burned/ i am blamed_) within
the sun – oh Mary! to walk
upon the Waters of our Thoughts
all alone all lonely all
a lone we go we go we go wego
— what else should i be?
nothing but the Sun
within this Sun Mary! Oh Mary!
i wish i was so easily
confused; so that i could grab
all the shame (infamous choking
upon the ashes of my sun)
oh the sun! Mary!
oh Mary.

:: 07.03.2020 ::


    small GIANT lover  like me
alone ]\]
   little locked cedar box
i am was like-always
 within your flesh
       and tender h e art
    oh hey oh wait…
                i am smaller(wondrous-YET)
   now!  oh!  inside a forever priceless
 Soul i walk like a f i n e  S t a l l i o n
       inside? INVITED warmth Orchard
 ANGEL’S hair & babies breath/!\
    i am the bleeding broken hymen
of your precious Heart\  oh hey wait!
   i have scars oh my goodness girl__
like when the evening hushes the Day’s
Light oh you’re invited so invited
unto my private mind&Heart.
      never A complaint!
   listening to this night

:: 07.03.20202 ::


THINKING here alone about all those muggy nights
thinking of how much my body haS DONE and this heart
i now call Fear__ haven’t we all done crazy and at times
so lately___
i have more been than once hypnotized & paralyzed
as pinned butterfly : now free to fly away_
//..—..\\ a fortress of never-
realizing pas s i n g eyes & whoYOU
within my most private dreams:
dammit! it’s so late or early
& so sick and tired/i never thing
how what i could and can ever do
if lightning once again strikes me
it’s not what i can do to make you
care or love me: it is what i do when
once again lightning strikes me and
you are not there.// nothing i can do
to make you hear me or be loved by
YOU. So, sorry seems to be the littlest

:: 07.03.2020 ::