Category Archives: #brain

UNTITLED (draft)

fear and anger bisect SOCIETY with Love;
one woman one man can consume all of Life
One called dream lucious love — is the
name / i assure you on the other side of the
glass you are\ to feel and know the hollowness
inside you & to know it is right where it belongs
upon the bridge of ‘across the divide’
i look back at the sacred goal — bullet holes ::
fragments of memories! for love we left behind
the sense of stability in our own timelines.

:: 08.07.2020 ::


It’s a complicated world
ruled by pain and fear
Everything’s ‘will you swim
or will you fade’
the smallest things
hold us back
the madness outside
these walls
are nothing compared
to what’s within my halls

Brain traffic: s/o confused
grid-locked & neurotically fused
Drain my Soul
Brain traffic: over/used
fear-porn-fed till your dead
then Life’s on hold
it’s all Inside your head

:: 03.27.2020 ::


i can take Life upon my chin
i can take it upon my head
although it makes me sad
when i have to see it all
within my eyes i don’t see
a polite way to make this call
/oh wishing i first had
a vision\for a poor humble
wide-opened poet/ of no age or
time and then of no-more
\life is living while you’re bleeding
each day of Life is closer to Death
oh boy.

:: 03.23.2020 ::


PEOPLE call me just to say hell
people call me just to say low
and inside of my darkness
inside of this nightmare
is my prison cell
is my contusion
is my confusion
and i’m not well i’m kind of ill
just sick feeling pain
oh let it rain just let it rain
i have to disengage all this rage
and call upon a priest for blasphemy
inside of me it’s inside of me
like a cat fighting zero gravity
all alone all alone
down to the bone
so sorry now but i gotta go
let me go all alone.

:: 10-11-2018 ::

ACT (of) TWO

THAT in my fever while sanity has escaped by baluster
i continue to gaze in daze across the sea of white-
capped madness

Each o-shaped mouth
Each Black-bead eye
and all the ears
all the chins

speak an infinite story of nothing but sadness.
And within the orchestral pit finely dressed musicians
they shed b-flat note tears; their mannequin powder-white
skin a color of pink’s sunsetting murmur.

Simply, the true story is off stage toward this
improbable army audience; the finely carved polychrome
citizens start to move; half-bodied and more alive
than the flesh-kingdom.

Last night. Last night i felt.
That one’s life can be as real as one’s imagination
if you sinerely wish it.

:: 08-23-2018 ::


A tongue like Excalibur melts into mythically steeled words
and ends up tearing hearts with all its magical properties.
Then the universe collapses into a final ending with nothing
left but the, “no thing.” It continues to breath and all words
move forward as zombied penguins with many semicolons standing
whimsically awaiting the next coherent thought.

And the deep dreamer asks, “So let me get this straight Jack”
to the Police Doctor on hand. “You want me to take my pencil
and right every wrong for those patients in the mechanical
ward of broken minds?” Just then a portal opens at the foot
of the deep dreamer’s mouth and the little blue clothed
munchkins drag him out of the ward and into a bread truck
and say, “You’re coming with us to settle a bet.”

The bread smells a wonderful Jesus-like body but there’s
no blood-wine to go with the screams.

:: 03-10-2018 ::


Theoretical physics!  Where the mind
meets itself in abstract
Lines of divergent thoughts:
The noodle of the universe!

ASWHERE most humanity is far away
From the LIGHT
THE MIND’S shadow is dim

But not them:  Einstein,
Bohr, Kaku, Hawking, and Guth!

Closer —
The shadow more defined!
A five-digit hand touching
the wall of the bone
of cave where all sight is
seen but not them.

through INNER SPACE!

And they appeal to the masses!
Zeal, entertainment, and
Breaking down the fundamentals
so we can all understand!

:: 01-04-2018 ::

In All Our Dreams

i am when was a good idea
that broken wheel
without a carriage or
passenger whose journey
by most unreal eyes
that can see all 4 seasons
in that glimpse
of forgotten reason;
that begging my sleeping brain
the permanently attentive
mind could never be yours /
so be it \ in all our dreams!

:: 09-08-2017 ::


at times i think
if my skull
were opened
one would find
a beating heart
instead of brain
and within my
chest;  a cavity
to fill with hope!

:: 02-21-2015 ::