Daily Archives: July 20, 2020


TAKE MY EYES tell me lies
i will not see Light,
we sell tainted juice
aligned within our wooden cart
of life //~~\\ stretched my mind
gives me thick vines
whatever the choice is
we’re here again || within
the darknest plans | paying
for a degree in psychology.*.
we can wait for more
the Earth has endured
the desperate whores
of everything we think we know
so now here we go again (if you
know what it means) :: here’s the
one singing black lung tunes
to a dying world___tasking tained
juice… i broke my wooden back
upon the armchair of your mind
–/stretching and aligned
within the wooden cart of Life
— whatever the choice here
we are again//

:: 07.20.2020 ::


IT has no effect to stop the
crying and screaming of my
brother while he is dreaming —
i found us sleeping between
Life and Death.

:: 07.19.2020 ::


we wake up with a beating heart \ wondering how mud can be so alive:
i am so overboard drowning within embryo
and sharp words
worst than most and so i escape
(i feel it less when my unformed feet move)
so along dirty thoughts and stares
i run through the streets
if my words were stars and if my breath
were wind of the Earth until the End
CREATIVITY and entertaining thoughts here
___ y e a h ___ the last Spring I tasted
before i found it hard so hard to find a
loving World i found you so hello
the stupid mouths of critics
DENY IT live within the MOUTH
of undeniable words__.
Of Your Love!

:: 07.19.2020 ::


DREAMING closely i kissed nature
within everything and where it
was: dreaming i dreamt i was
back within myself
within a stain’d-spot
counting all the looks &
remembering all souls’ reflection
(is it all i wish to be?)
i find myself too afraid to
see. Dreaming delusions of
a storm of phantom numbers
where all beings die:
almost 8 billion years after
Earth ceases to exists —
is there any lamp post to see?
are the alley’s shadows all
you wish to be?
many wise hearts speak-spoken
so mysterious and fashionably
sensible you failed —
life breaks my heart.

:: 07.19.2020 ::



HAVING sherbet dreams
licking like Pisces-
cat inside a fur hole
kissing honey lips
touching soft hips
you turn around
oh! hey i enjoy
cosmic surprises oh
wishing you’d eat me
whole as a house rat
: sidewalks cracked
peace within each mind
between insides before
disease eats everyone
and every future
morning never try to
awake me as i’ll be gone
and all my arms are gone
never feel bad for me.



MY part a half of whole
a thought a slice of more
that my life lived and soared
my part your half our one
an emotion that wave of ocean
that my dreams becomes Life
and as one what more
than one and whole?

:: 04-03-2014 ::
rev 07192020


Despair is an anchor with thorns
it drowns the ship and sinks the soul
and the hull a skin that bleeds
A heart — the oar that paddles ashore
Best to use a blessed life vest
when with a raging storm
that despair comes and wisely glue shut
that gapping hawse of the Soul’s hull.

:: 05-15-2014 ::
rev 07192020


–sexy–. immortal age, fine skin, woman.

your vast fields held a single gate,
the heart you seek when in mortal fear,

deftly in soft romance. You come. To me,
so sweet and cute and take what is mine.
Through my golden gate of stability —
my apple on a table you bite and eat.

No sin. No gain. Only pain.
eating all these words while hiding
within a tree is this nature-woman.

:: 06-05-2014 ::
rev: 07192020


WHO ever promised a soul
who ever prophetized love
who ever it was
had no human name
or so

it seems
dropping in pieces
falling in me’s and you’s
dropping in reasons
i’m calling it cream of you

Falling every way in small
pieces of insanity
i can see brilliant
Light of Life
it is chasing my chakra-heart

born north of Tropicana
i landed upon the back of a blue
scarab and went for a world-tour
and met anyone who is/has been/was/
will be anyone and so several times
came across me. Seemed i was doing
something against nature walking
in through the outdoor

:: 07.19.2020 ::


EVERY night of every day i take my love to bed
yea; Leave my heart upon the
dinner plate for the cold
, oh ;
at night its must worse
oh how these lonely tears
fall away screaming
all within silence
So I ask God, “what do i do?”
and listen to the song of
a bird dying each note
all within the long-time
backyard inside my head___
so i’m coming Home now: no need to leave
my heart upon the alter of pain & sorrow.

:: 07.19.2020 ::