Daily Archives: July 22, 2020


between thoughts
such depth
my heart sank
The widow of Souls
now am i –? or
a mirage of god’s
weaker image?
this does NEVER
matter within my
own heart; i am
i wish to be.


:: 07.22.2020 ::


Ernest Robles
4:38 PM (3 minutes ago)
to me


OCEAN SEA orchids
chase my life like
a drowning human locked
within your Jonesy Box
as depth as a water-trap
ocean ate-your-flesh
and left priceless complaints
— all deep within an ocean-cold
ice/falling below depts__
maybe eating orchids of wondrous
remedies i came across fallen angel’s
hair and partook within baby’s breath
/the world thrown down — ruinous
unbiblical nooses and racial complaints
! hell no. enough is enough NOW.

:: 07.22.2020 ::


FILTHY pieces
of long-forgotten
thoughts i remember
i forgot to keep it
all far inside the die’
ist part of my vibrant
HEART-flower and sometimes
i looked within your heart-
shaped Soul so fragile and
Evil: i ate you all
makes The Tablet by
the firey finger-tips
of my mind : i have never
said go -and-die /you’re alive
| gathering sheep and smelling
fresh air i tripped over mySelf |
its an illusion called
Life — Hey! WAIT! i have a
message /you invited\ …

:: 07.22.2020 ::


my mud are my smiles
so she asked me
are you lik,e Libra
eating my Soul
from within your
magnet Heart: i
thought and then wrote
precis of illusionary
words and unforgiveable
advice that taxed me:
crystal spine; it’s every
thought of your mind:
everything eating orchids
and placenta-angel breath
i barreled down so i could
confess back! Hey!
every thought
goes through your priceless

:: 07.22.2020 ::

Mi barro son sonrisas

Mi barro son sonrisas

mi barro son mis sonrisas
entonces ella me preguntó
eres probable, e Libra
comiendo mi alma
desde dentro de tu
Imán Corazón: i
pensó y luego escribió
precis de ilusorio
palabras e imperdonable
Consejo que me gravó:
espina de cristal; es cada
pensado en tu mente:
todo comiendo orquídeas
y aliento de ángel de placenta
corrí hacia abajo para poder
confiesa de nuevo! ¡Oye!
todo pensamiento
pasa por tu invaluable

:: 22.07.2020 ::


NOW that i have lost everything
for you :/grieving\:
take all the icons of your wild
world (too hard to get by
upon a smile)
& now lost within everything
old |–>so THE-new-breaks my grieving
heart –> so babe baBY its
like a sorrowful sad girl
just because we’re best friends
doesn’t mean there’s good strangers
: evil eats tender loving hearts
so new so white so black so true
so you leave so take care
;take all that makes you beautiful;
this mysterious world is a wild
world so oh baby it’s a wild world
(as the child you are: never want to
see you sad, girl so take care and hope
you have a lot of friends out there —
just remember there’s a lot of bad there.

:: 07.22.2020 ::